Vent #1: Relationships

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Ok this one is going to piss a few people off two actually. If you can't guess go read the chapter ten of Gabriel in Wonderland. Ok I hate relationships because if had my own fair share of heartbreaks and it's not fun, I know it happens to everyone it's part of being a teen right. Well the two from chapter ten of my book well at school they make everyone there not just me feel really uncomfortable or like loners for six and half  hours everyday five days a week. I'm not the only one that feels this way to there are a bunch of people at my school that feel like me, there are two people that know I little secret why I also hate this relationship the most. And if I get a comment telling me grow up you will not be the first and you won't be the last one either. This is a small rant but if I really go off this will be a two thousand word rant, I hate relationships with all my heart

Also if the video works go to 29:15 to for a funny joke that use on them not joking they actually do this and teachers don't a sh$t

If the video doesn't work I'll leave a link here

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