Chapter One

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I stared at the page for what seemed like an eternity, before I leapt out of my chair, shouting, “AWESOME!”

Dumbledore just chuckled.

“Might I ask, Miss Black, where have you been for the past seventeen years?”

“Oh in a cupboard under some stairs,” I replied casually.

Dumbledore’s face was one of pure shock.

I burst out laughing. “You should’ve seen your face! I’m kidding of course. I was in another dimension, actually.”

“Interesting,” was the reply I got.

“It’s true. In that dimension, this place doesn’t exist. It’s just a story, which has also been made into movies.” I explained.

Dumbledore just smiled, as he pulled out a box.

“This is your wand, Lynx. Ten inches, willow, and phoenix feather. A feather from Fawkes actually.”

I grinned at Dumbledore, and Fawkes, and took the wand.

Before I could thank Dumbledore, a hawk-like woman came bursting through the office door.

“Albus. She’s gone too far. She’s evicting Sybil,” She wailed. Then she realised that I was in the room. “Sorry, for interrupting.”

“It’s alright, Rolanda. Lynx and I were just finishing up here. I shall be down in a moment.” As Madam Hooch left, Dumbledore turned to me. “I need you to floo to headquarters, Lynx. I shall be there as soon as I deal with the situation in the courtyard.”

I nodded, and walked over to the fireplace. I grabbed a fistful of floo powder, and climbed in. I whispered “Number twelve Grimmauld Place,” and threw the powder down. In a flash of green, Dumbledore’s office was gone, and the kitchen of a house was visible.

I climbed out of the fireplace and looked around the room. That’s when I heard the muttering of profanities.

“Mudbloods, blood traitors, filthy half-breeds, think they own the place.”

‘Oh. It’s Kreacher.’ I thought. ‘Wait, I’m part of the Black family. Maybe he’ll listen to me.’

“Kreacher. Shut up.” I ordered.

I waited for the arguing, but surprisingly, there was none. A sudden force knocked me to the ground.

“Mistress Black! Your back!” Kreacher was squealing at me.

Then there was a loud bang, Kreacher flew off me, and I was bound with ropes, and was face to face with none other than Remus Lupin.

“Who are you and how did you get in here?” he growled at me.

There was a slam of a door, and there stood Molly Weasley, looking furiously at Lupin.

“She’s just a girl Remus! You shouldn’t frighten the poor dear.” She scolded him.

I giggled, and they both looked at me.

“Sorry,” I grinned my signature grin.

Lupin did a double-take, and that’s when Kreacher reappeared with a saucepan, and started whacking Lupin’s legs, and yelling:

“Let the Mistress go! Stupid half-breed!”

“Kreacher!” I snapped. He looked at me.

“Don’t call him that. And stop attacking him.”

“Yes, Mistress.” Kreacher bowed, and backed away, though he was glaring at Lupin.

“As I said before, who are you?” said Lupin.

“What? No thank you. Fine then. Name’s Lynx”

“Remus,” sighed Molly, with a hand on her face.

I started chanting, “Loony, loopy, Lupin. Loony, loopy, Lupin. Oh! I have a question! How are things going with my cousin, huh Lupin?”

He stared at me like I was crazy.

“Sirius! I may need your help in here!” Lupin called.

“No not the mass murderer, please anything but that!” I squealed.

It was then that Sirius burst into the room yelling that he was innocent.

“I knew that,” I said, “but Moony is so easy to mess with,” I added, into stunned silence.

“Where are you from?” Molly asked.

Oh I was so happy she asked that. I’ve been wanting to sing for a while.

“I just blew in from a biology lab. I’m back and I’m flapping free. Let me tell you a story that’s all about ……..

Yo the name is Batty. The logic is erratic. Potato in a jacket. Toys in the attic. I rock and I ramble my brain is scrambled, rap like an animal but I’m a mammal.”

I was met with WTF? looks.

It was then that Dumbledore arrived.

“Hey, Professor! I would wave but I am a bit ‘tied up’ at the moment.”

Dumbledore just waved his hand, and the ropes around me disappeared.

“This is Lynx. She will be staying here for a while,” he glanced at me before continuing, “She hasn’t used magic for a while, so before she can join the Order, she needs to practise.”

“Sir, yes, Sir!” I saluted. Dumbledore chuckled.

“I shall leave you to get acquainted then,” and he turned to leave.

I remembered something, and ran after him.

“Professor! What do I do about Kreacher? He refers to me as Mistress, or Mistress Black.”

“Well, I think you should let him continue to do that, and see how long it takes them to realise,” Dumbledore replied, his eyes sparkling with humour.

“Might take them a while. Coz he was calling me Mistress in front of Remus and he didn’t realise,” I grinned.

Me. A Witch? Siriusly? (A Sucked into Harry Potter Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now