Chapter Three

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That was last month (November). Sirius has been avoiding me. Tch. Guess he doesn’t believe me. Whatever. After they found out, Molly just engulfed me in a huge hug, and Moony looked between me and Sirius and nodded, before Sirius stood and left the room. Geez. What is with these guys, like siriusly. Pun intended.

I had been practicing spells non-stop over the past few weeks, getting them right first try almost always. I was now trying the Patronus Charm. Tricky bugger it is. I threw my book at the wall. It hit so hard, I think they heard it downstairs. That’s when I heard my door open. I ignored whoever it was, and tried to think of a happy memory I could use.

“What spell are you trying to do?” a male voice asked.

I turned to face one of my favourite Weasleys.

“Patronus Charm.” I pouted.

He ruffled my hair.

“OI! I am not James! My hair does not need to be messed up!”

He grinned.

“Think of something really happy.”

“DUH! But it’s kinda hard when your Dad, who you’ve always wanted to get to know, has been avoiding you since he found out that you’re his daughter!” I yelled down the stairs.

I was immediately engulfed in a hug.

“He just needs time, Lynx.”

“He’s had a month, Charlie!” I started crying on his shoulder.

“I know,” he sighed, giving me a hug.

After I few minutes, I had calmed down enough to ask a question.

“Does it have to be a memory?”

“What do you mean?”

“Does it have to be a memory? Like, can it be a happy thought? Something I’ve imagined that makes me extremely happy?”

“I suppose.”

I took a breath, before trying again.

“Expecto Patronum!”

This time, a silver dragon burst forth from my wand. I laughed in joy, spinning around in circle, the dragon soaring around me. My concentration broke when Charlie started clapping, a roguish grin on his face.

“And what would you have been thinking of, hmm?”

I blushed.

“I’m not saying.”

I know its short, but i have had writers block on this story for a while. I know the direction I want it to go in, but its just a matter of actually writing it out, and it being a way that I like. Next chapter will be Christmas :)

Thanks for reading :)

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Me. A Witch? Siriusly? (A Sucked into Harry Potter Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant