Forever Dark

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Hey y'all, 

This will be the only A/N in the entire story (hopefully. Unless it's a life or death situation, I'll try not to put in any A/N). I love the story Forever Dead. It is beautifully written, and is in fact the first story I read a year ago in my first account. (Go check it out!)

The author (go follow her on twitter! she's really cool. Her name is Julia Clark) is holding some competition involving fanfiction. I do hope I win, but if I don't, that's cool, because at least Miss Clark read my story! (I hope)

This story will be written in the view of Simone, the antagonist of Forever Dead.(about how she became dark and how the VSA was formed) I'm really excited for this! I'm not sure if I will be able to finish it by the dead line, but I'll try my best.

Love all of you! 

Mwah, mwah,


Twitter: @Estee_Sofia

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