Chapter Twenty-five

Start from the beginning

I practically sprinted across the pathway and driveway, stopping dead at my car, ripping the bow off to open the door. It smelt so new when I got in and felt around the leather of the steering wheel. It even had a built-in navigation system and air-conditioning. So posh!

The passenger door opened, and my mum's blonde head popped in here. "How is it?"

"Amazing." I beamed. "Thank you so much. I won't forget how good this made me feel. Ever."

The green in my mother's eyes intensified, and her mouth softened into a half-smile. "Want to take her for a spin?"

"Hell, yes." I reached for my seatbelt and glanced behind me to see Dad talking to Arthur, completely forgetting to say goodbye to him. The excitement took over for me when I wound my window down to shout my thanks to him. Arthur flashed me his pearly whites, which seemed like enough. "Will dad come too?"

"No, he's expecting a call from work and the football is on soon. He'll stay behind and watch that," she replied, closing the car door to wave to the men when I drove out of my gates.

We were passing the ice cream shop, and my mum told me to pull in because she wanted to keep treating me today. Not wanting to pass up the offer of free ice cream, I signalled left and parked my car in the space near the shop door. It felt odd to say my car.

"You grab those chairs near the window, and I'll get the order. What would you like? I think I'm going to get a waffle with a double scoop of ice cream and chocolate sauce," she said, looking so beautiful in her gold wool jumper and black straight-legged pants.

"Excellent choice." I skipped on breakfast today for the nerves, so my stomach was loud when it rumbled on the spot. "Can I have Nutella spread over mine too?"

"I think we can arrange that," she said, winked, then joined the small queue.

To occupy my time until mum came back, I got us a fork and spoon from the cutlery tray near the drinks machine, picking up a handful of napkins while I was there. The extra chocolate sauce jars taunted me, so I ended up picking up one of those too. Mum was second in the line when I got back to our table and arranged everything neatly.

Never go to these places on an empty stomach, I thought.

It's calorie carnage.

"Tabitha? Hey," an unwelcome voice burst my happy bubble.

I opened my mouth to speak, but the discomfort inside of me bubbled too intensely not to burst free. Tulia was standing there, all rumpled hair and yoga pants. There was no denying the woman was beautiful. The big bag across her shoulder weighed her down, but she still grinned at me.

"It's a nice day to be out here. A little sunny still for autumn," she said, brushing her hair away from her shoulder.

I nodded. "Yeah, it's nice."

"I'm glad that I bumped into you." She used my quick reply as an excuse to turn it into a full-blown conversation.

The feeling was most definitely not mutual. "You are?"

"Yes," she said, resting the bag on the floor to relax her hands on the table. "I have wanted to speak to you for a while, but you're a hard woman to find."

"Why's that?" I would avoid her at all costs. I didn't want either of them to find me.

"I wanted to talk to you about Josh." No, no, no, not today.

I straightened in my seat, crossing my arms rigidly across my chest. How dare she come to me and do this in public? "Please, just leave me alone."

My Lost Hero (Angels of War Series #1) REWRITING 2024Where stories live. Discover now