Ghirahim narrowed his eyes, dissatisfied with Link's answer. "No pain or anything?" 

Link rolled his eyes.  "Well, I just got knocked in the head, so..."

Relieved that he hadn't been hit hard enough to not be aware that he'd been beaten, Ghirahim sat down beside him, eyeing the blood pooling in the hero's mouth. "Too bad you don't have any red potion left. I told you to save some of that, you know."

"Those people needed it."

Ghirahim rolled his eyes. "Whatever. You do realize that you punched him over something childish, right?"

Link spat then spoke. "He was bringing things back up that he shouldn't have."

"He was somewhat justified. You ran off without telling anyone."

"I apologized and he kept going."

Ghirahim sighed and shook his head. "I never thought your anger would be a problem. But here we are."

Link went silent, his eyes glued to the ground. Ghirahim thought he had mumbled a barely-audible apology, but when he glanced at him, it appeared that he hadn't spoken at all. Deciding to give Link some much-needed quiet, he shifted so that he sat Indian style and looked up at the cloudless sky. Rather disappointed, he sighed and slumped against the side of the statue.

Then he noticed something fall from that sky he was staring at, resembling glitter as the wind altered its path to the earth. Ghirahim watched this, brows furrowed. What was that? Where was it coming from?

None of these questions were answered, even as a bright flash of light, brighter than even the sun, lit up the entire world,  blinding everyone that didn't shield their eyes. For a few minutes, no shadow could exist as that light hovered there in the sky, torturing everyone the entire time it was there. Then it faded into nothing but those glitter-like lights Ghirahim had seen before.

"What the hell was that!?" Link exclaimed, blinking rapidly. "I'm blind now!"

Many other people asked a similar question, but no one recieved answers. Two Sheikah went out to see what that light was, but they never returned. The people left in that mine waited in suspense for something to happen, something that would explain that blinding light, but even as the night drew its dark curtains once more, no questions were answered.

Around midnight, Link announced that he was going to bed and went inside the dark confines inside the mine to find a spot. When Ghirahim decided to join him twenty minutes later, he found the hero sleeping under a jutting rock stuck in the wall, curled up into a ball.

Ghirahim had noted that, when Link went to sleep at night, Zelda always seemed to be nearby. This night was not an exception; quietly so he wouldn't disturb Link, Ghirahim glanced around the large, dark room and found Zelda sitting on the ledge just above the hero next to her already sleeping hushand. He was quiet in approaching her to avoid waking Groose, having not forgotten the events earlier. While he was somewhat justified as he said earlier, he didn't appreciate him beating up Link and didn't want to even see him.

The goddess reborn simply sat in silence, her eyes glued to the wall in front of her as a hand absentmindedly played with her hair. Ghirahim stepped towards her, and she looked up at the demon.

"Oh, hello," she said, not appearing to be completely aware that she was there. She seemed half stuck in this fantasy where she was in Faron Woods with the rest of her friends and the rest of her family and everything was perfect.

Ghirahim stopped, standing up straight. "I want to talk to you."

Zelda looked up at him, her eyes seemingly losing all light as she came to reality. "Go on."

Destined to Fight (GhiraLink)Where stories live. Discover now