Chapter 2

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I yawned and rubbed my eyes wearily, turning over in bed, only to realise I wasn't wrapped in my warm covers, but I was lying on a cold, hard floor in a pitch black room.

I sat up abruptly and tried to regain my senses. Then I remembered what had happened. I felt the space around me, but there was no sign of my friends.

'Jen? Tyler? Kirsty?'

I called out into the darkness. No reply. All I heard was my own voice echoing, whispering eerily, almost as if it were mocking me.

I quickly got to my feet and looked around. Well, tried. It was so dark, I couldn't make out my own hand in front of my face.

I gingerly stepped forward, my hands out in front of me and my eyes darting around even though I couldn't see anything. Every footstep echoed, gradually fading away into silence. It seemed like there was nothing there. There was no escape.


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