'Go.' I said, letting her leave, watching her while she was at it. I walked back to the ball room and sat at one of the smaller SLytherin tables with the other losers that had no dates and threw my head back, sighing. 

'What's wrong, Malfoy?' Goyle asked from the seat next to mine. 

I rolled my eyes. Just what I needed. 

'Is it any of your business?' I asked him. He shook his head 'no' and I nodded in agreement. 

'For the first time I agree with you.' I smirked.

'Well, well, well, look who we have here.' I heard Pansy's disturbing voice come closer to me. 'If it isn't Draco Malfoy looking depressed of life and of... Love?' she said, sitting down on a chair next to me. 

'Go away, Parkinson.' I commanded. She laughed her annoying high-pitched laugh, which made me narrow my eyebrows. 

'Look, if I wanted you in my company, I would have invited you, but right now, I will ask you to be my guest... And leave.' I looked at her cruelly. 

'Whenever Rubin isn't around you're the same old 'bad-ass' Draco, aren't you? You're using your 'I love you, baby girl' attitude only to get into her pants.' she said the last few words extremely slowly, coming closer to me. I didn't move an inch, nor did I say a word. 'Admit it, Draco. If not to me - be honest with yourself, you're only using her to get what you have always wanted. You only need her, just because she is always around when you need her for some things.' she just wouldn't stop speaking. 'Well I happen to know something you don't. Or maybe you're just being suspicious about it... It concerns her and your father, see, she isn't the perfect girl you think she is. It is all just a cover. A simple mask to hide her demonic self. She has been using you to hide her illegal relationship with your father. He has been supportive all this time not because he thinks that you two make an incredible couple, but because he and her need an incredible hiding technique. But you, poor little Draco, haven't quite figured that out yet. You see, the Ministry and not to mention almost every other law out there absolutely forbids 'affairs' before marriage, even if you're at the same age. Imagine what would happen if someone understood that not only did she have an 'affair' with you, the clueless little Malfoy, but she has also been sleeping with your married father.' Pansy said that out loud, when I found myself tossing her to the ground. 

'I usually wouldn't hit a girl, but you are some sad and pathetic excuse of a human, Pansy Parkinson.' I said, leaving the ball room for the second time that night. 

'Mister Malfoy, could I please have a word with you?' I heard Snape's emotionless voice call me somewhere from behind me. I turned around and just walked over to him. He opened a room's door and we walked in. It was an office, probably McGonnagall's. He sat down at the desk, and I sat on on of the leather chairs in front of it. 

'Now, Draco, what was that racket all about?' he asked me blankly.

'Parkinson accused my girlfriend of sleeping with my father!' I scram out. 

'Shh!' he made me keep quiet. 'I understand that you have been hurt by her words and that they have affected you, but I will not tolerate this kind of a behavior in my presence. Now, I need you to be fully aware of the fact that your girlfriend is indeed a follower.' he told me. I just nodded, I was pretty tired of hearing those same lines over and over again for the past few months. 'And I hope you do realize that you could at least talk about all of this misunderstanding with her before flattening Miss Parkinson to the ground, if you manage to catch her on time so you could talk it through with her, that is...' he said the last few words quieter. My eyes grew wider.

'What do you mean?' I asked.

'She will be leaving tonight, you did know that, didn't you?' he asked me. Before I knew it, I was running off into the dark of the hallways and off to the dungeons. I was running like a fool past the students in the halls and when I finally got to my room, everything was... Unlike before. Nothing of Dianna's was there. Everything was gone. Except for the dresses my father sent in for her. 

'Dianna? Dianna, where are you? This isn't funny!' I looked around everywhere. She wasn't anywhere to be found. 'Dianna, please...' I looked in the bathroom, the back in the bedroom, then on the balcony. She wasn't anywhere. I only saw a note on the desk. I took it in my hands, but I wasn't fully able to read it, I was seriously about to cry with conscience for the first time in my entire life. I just held the note and then I felt my knees go weak, I was falling down on the ground, crying. I looked like a sad excuse of a 'young pureblood man' right then, but I didn't care. For the first time I had lost something I had really cared for. I just lay down on the floor and took my face in my hands, leaving the note next to me.

A/N: Okay, end of chapter. 

So... Was that a bad goodbye from Dianna's side or what? Boy, was she mindless while doing what she did. D; 

Do you think Pansy was right about Dianna and Lucius? 

What will the letter say?

What is Dianna's task?

Tune back in soon for the answers{: 

Why Did I Fall For Her? (Draco Malfoy Story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें