Chapter 4

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Two months into my job and I had to say I loved it. I had yet to meet the CEO and my boss, but he was busy with multiple separate projects. We spoke regularly through email and I did my best to schedule his life and make accommodations for him. I had scheduled private jets for him, I had rented film studios and houses for his film projects, and even ordered his condoms for him. I knew he never ordered less than 200 egg rolls at a time- Tammy attempted to warn me! Breezy was living the good life to say the least- but I was too- my salary was 20k a month and it was more than enough money for me to take care of my daughter. I was able to pay Chris Brown the money he had loaned me and send him back his limitless credit card.

I felt good for the first time since the day I walked in on my husband fucking another woman. I felt like myself again. Divorce proceedings were slow, I had only selected my attorney and told him what I wanted- one of the smaller houses we own, and custody of my daughter. I didn't ask for alimony or a settlement, but it was ultimately up to the Judge. Whatever the judge said I was owed is what I would receive. Lux was a happy girl and had adjusted to us living in a town house. I rented the house on a 6 month lease hoping my divorce would be over sooner rather than later. My husband was the president of an electronics and although he wasn't a celebrity a lot of people knew who he was. I was hoping we could keep our faces and names out of the press. I didn't want my daughter googling her parents divorce in her teen years.

Today was supposed to be the day that I met my boss for the first time. I dressed in my favorite designer jeans and a cute burnout tee that was mostly see through with the Black Pyramid logo. It took me about 3 days to realize that I was working for a large clothing and accessories brand- but the minute I did I basically fell in love with the company. Today was the first photo shoot I would be a part of and I was going to meet my boss during the shoot so- nervous and excited were the emotions for the day. A part of me wished I had a significant other to share the news with, and another part of me figured it was better to be alone than with another human that could hurt me. God knows I was a little sex starved, but I was also too shy to do anything about it.

I entered the offices at Black Pyramid and something seemed completely off; to begin with, everyone looked a little stressed and there was a nervous hum vibrating through all the offices. I walked over to the art department and talked to my friend Whitney. "What the hell is going on? Why does everyone seem so stressed today?" I Waited for a decent reply.

"Breezy broke up with his girlfriend and he's always a little insatiable  after a break up." Whitney rolled her eyes while playing with a curl.

"How does everyone know about his personal life?"

Whitney laughed, "You're kidding right?"

"No," I said honestly.

"You'll find out eventually baby." Whitney tapped my shoulder before turning her attention back to her computer.

I walked up to the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor. Today was just gonna be a busy and crazy day for everyone.

"I don't give a fuck what you want. You already made your fucking decision. I want to call you every horrible word I know, but I can't because I'd have to reduce myself to your level. Have your stuff out of my house by the time I'm off work and have a nice life. I hope to never see you again." The phone was slammed into the base and I scurried into my office chair as I heard footsteps outside my office door.

I powered my computer and straighten my desk as the door's to my boss's office opened. I diverted my eyes to the login screen as I attempted to act natural in lieu of the conversation I had heard.

"I know you heard that." A familiar raspy voice half laughed at me.

I looked up and met eyes with the most beautiful sparkling brown eyes I had ever seen- for the second time in my life.

"Pretty lady Ally." He smiled at me. I was shocked he remembered my name.

"Hi Chris," I smiled and stood up ready to shake his hand before being pulled toward him and embraced hard.

"Well I'm certainly happy to see you again." He bit his lip staring into my eyes.

"Why does everyone call you Breezy? I didn't know I got hired to be your assistant. No one even told me this was your company."

"Welcome to the team. Everyone on staff likes to razz the new team members especially if they don't know who I am." He rolled his eyes, "It's their way of telling everyone to expect the unexpected."

"Oh," I laughed, "okay."

"Anyway, I know you heard me screaming at my ex girlfriend. I don't normally scream at anyone, but she cheated on me and got pregnant with some loser."

"I'm sorry to heard that," I tried to console him.

"I'm not. It's better she got pregnant with some loser instead of me, because I don't want her."  Chris was now noticing my shirt was see through and appeared to give me a quick once over.

"So what's the plan for today?" I asked curious about my role on shoot days.

"I dunno. What would you like to do?" Chris was staring a bit intensely into my eyes.

" I meant regarding the shoot. We are shooting today, right?" I waited for his response.

Chris blushed and laughed, "Yes we are shooting today! My mind is all scrambled from the break up. We are going to go down and style the shoot make sure it has the right sex appeal and attitude."

"Great," I smiled at Chris and added, "I do have one request though. My daughter gets out of preschool before the work day is over and my mom can't pick her up today. Do you think I could skip lunch and get her later?"

"What preschool does she go to?" Chris asked.

"Oakwood Preschool."

"My daughter goes there too. I can have our valet pick up both the girls today." Chris licked his lips and stared at me.

"That would be amazing. Thank you."

"Be ready to go to the shoot in 20 minutes. I have a call to make and I'll be out."

Hey Horny Dolls,
Yay Chris made his second appearance. I think Chris is a little excited about seeing Ally again. I wonder who he just broke up with. 😂😂😂 I'm legit getting so horny thinking about where this story is going. 😐 I'll be updating again in the next few days.

Breezy doll

Black Pyramid LLC.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang