Entry #2: Secrets, fears, and anger

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Hey, so I know I haven't updated in awhile, but here it goes.....
Earlier today, I told my best friend one of my deepest secrets, and she didn't believe me. I told her something no one else knows, and she thinks I'm making it up. I let it slide without saying anything, I've never really been one to rock the boat.
After awhile of hanging out, I realised that I was late for curfew and had a lot of school to catch up on(I was in Florida a few weeks ago). She kept trying to get me to take a walk to the stop sign(she lives at the bottom of the street, I live in the middle, and the sign is at the top), but here's the thing.  My mom is at work, so my aunt is watching me(and making sure the house stays in one piece), and she's a bit more tough when I'm late, I have a week or so of school to catch up on, and(drumroll please) I'm scared of the dark(shut up and stop laughing). I tell her no, and go to my house. She keeps trying to drag me up to the stop sign on a walk, but I just walk to my house. Once I get there I break into a jog, and she stands on the sidewalk glaring at me. I trot back to show no hard feelings, but she does the little 'humf' thing, turns her back to me, and starts walking to her house. So she's mad at me now. Yay. Anyway, moving on. I get inside my house, and my aunt refuses to help me understand my math homework. And because I was late, she makes me take one of our dogs, Buddy, out. He's a big dog, and can jump the fence if he's not supervised. Mind you, from the front of the backyard you just barely can't see the back, and as mentioned before, I'm scared of the dark. The fact that an empty field that's been known to have coyotes is even worse. So I'm standing in the porch, watching him from the steps, trying to get him back inside, when he goes and almost climbs over the fence. I run over there and drag him inside and close the door. Now he this time, sleep sounds really great, but I really need to do some school. I ask my aunt again, and she says no again. And makes me take Buddy out awhile later. At least now I can sleep.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2016 ⏰

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