Tin can time

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Tanya's POV
Joe has just gone to the shop to get the cans were all nervous. Zoe isn't acting her usual self she's all ... not Zoe like. Joe's just phoned Caspar on what to get I try eavesdropping but Caspar shoos me away. Then I see Zoe sniggering she's definitely coming round I can tell. Then Alfie starts then Jim. I don't have a clue what's so funny.
30 minutes later
Joes back now he's setting up the cans in the kitchen. I can hear Alfie,Jim and Zoe whispering about something which gets me suspicious but I will live.

Alfie POV
Joe has gone to get the worst stuff he can find in the shop we can all tell that Tanya is the most scared about it we all think anyway. Zoe is trying not to act her usual self. Joes phoning Caspar now I assume to see what he thinks we should eat it will all be very vile thinking about Joe. Tanya's trying to eavesdrop but luckily Caspar tells Joe to be quite whilst he gets Tanya away. Zoe has to unleash her...... Zoeness into the world by sniggering. Joes back now me,Jim and Zoe are going to have a chat now about the thing but Tanya's coming and looking suspicious better stop.

Jim's POV
Joes just gone to get the cans I told him to get the most vile ones he can see in there. But now I'm starting to regret it a lot now he's probably gonna come back with street food. Alfie told me that Zoe was going to act weird so Tanya will think that she isn't the only one who's scared. He's phoning Caspar now Joe us to tell him what he has got. Tanya started eavesdropping and had to get shooed away from the phone. Zoe failed her plan by sniggering at there faces. When Joe got back we started talking about the thing so Tanya had Joe and Caspar to talk to. We had to stop because   she looked ultra suspicious.

Zoe's POV
The bro's gone to get the most horrible tins he can get. He's just phoned Caspar now to say what he should get. I'm going to act strange so she won't be the only one who's nervous. But then Caspar shoos her away which brings out the laughter in me. Joes back now so we can talk about the thing without Tanya knowing about it Caspar and Joe are on patrol for keeping her away.

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