13: Safe and Sound

Start from the beginning

With that she left to go tend to other patients. I sat in my bed thinking, surprisingly my parents back in London have not called me yet, surely Annelie has spoken to them but they haven't seemed concerned with all the things that have been going on. They were probably just happy that I was gone.

A tear escaped my eye; I couldn't even begin to explain what it is like to have parents like mine because I knew they cared. They cared enough to spend money so I could go to Sweden but they never spent time with my brother or me. In their heads love was bought with toys and objects or trips, not shared face to face at the dinner table or going to family events together.

From lack of energy and full of loneliness I fell asleep.


Hours later I woke up in my bed laying upside down. My long hair was up in a messy bun and I had a strange dress on. The hospital walls were covered in British street signs. I walked to the edge of my room but I couldn't leave, the ground was nonexistent. It was like the world's surface suddenly sank thousands of feet. I looked over the edge of the ground and water came crashing against the side from a distance. I could feel a cold breeze shoot past me and suddenly a girl came up behind me. I know I have seen her before, I never learned her name but she was the same girl that Kaela got into a fight with at school.

"You again." She slapped me clear across the face. "I thought I told you to stay away!"

She moved behind me and pushed me over the edge and I flopped hard into the water. Somehow the water burned my skin. It must have been an acid of some sort. Every movement I created to stay above the surface burned my skin to the pulp. Every crevice was on fire burning in pain.

The large waves of acid crashed over me until I was slammed against sharp black rocks. I couldn't exactly identify how long it was but I was forced to hold my breath to avoid getting any acid in my lungs.

I crawled up the sharp stone until I could recover my balance and I hid within a protected area of rock to shield myself from the acid that splashed up. I had to turn my face away every time the wind picked up to avoid more pain and my skin drying out at an incredible pace. I couldn't even explain what was happening. The acid looked yellow in color and the clouds were stained a filthy pink.

Looking into the cavern that protected me I saw a creature of some sort make its way towards me but I didn't have enough energy to pick myself up and run. All I could do was lay there helplessly while the creature had full access to my body.

It came close to me and held out its grey wrinkled arm and took hold of my leg. Panic filled my body completely.

"No! Get off of me!" I began hitting it in the face. I couldn't stand to look at its ape like face; nothing scared me more than this. It was like the epitome of all my nightmares as a child all rolled into one being. I closed my eyes to spare myself the sight of it. But that only lasted so long. My arms weren't able to move, they were held down by this beings knees while its face was inches away from mine.

"Alisha! Alisha!!"


I opened my eyes to see Oscar holding me crying on the floor. Too lost to speak I hugged him harder than I had ever had before.

My life was in danger one moment and saved in the next.

"Don't worry I am here." He cooed.

"What happened?" tears streamed down my face.

"The medicine you have causes hallucinations, I missed you and I wanted to see you earlier but you were asleep and I wanted to be here for when you woke up."

I brought myself to my feet and walked back to the bed where a nurse suddenly walked in to put tubes back into my arm. Luckily I was too shocked from the dream I just had, to notice any pain that she may have caused me but she left once I was stable.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Its 3:04."

"You came in the middle of the night?"

"Yes, you needed me, I told you I would protect you so that is what I am here to do." he said with a smile wiping away the last of his tears. I think I scared him just as much as I scared myself.

I held out my hand away from the bed to hold his face.

"Please sleep with me Oscar? Please don't leave." My tears started again. "I can't make it through the night with another hallucination alone. Please?"

"Shhhhhhhshhhhshhh. Calm down, I will stay with you."

He crawled into the bed beside me and held me close. My body was so cold wearing only the hospital dress. I ran my hand up his shirt warming up my cold fingers on his back. I could feel him flinch from my touch but he was so good to me. I hardly deserved it.

"Sleep now my love, you are safe in my arms."


Hey guys! I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to read my book! I literally make it up as I go so I have no idea how it is going to turn out so thank you for following this adventure with me!

Make sure you leave a comment it really helps with the making of this book!

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