"Abigail Louisa," My dad's stern voice spoke loudly. I gulped, trying to contain my nervousness. My dad was a scary man when he wanted to be. And right now was one of those times. "What were you thinking in there? You, a mere 16 year old girl, just angrily shouted at an elder," He spoke angrily.

"I don't think I was thinking," I whispered.

"That's right you weren't. Thankfully, she still signed the injunction, but that's because of a little persuasion." He sighed. "I understand that you want to keep your mum's name clear of any wrongdoing but you know your mum and you know that she was the biggest rule breaker to ever live. She obviously passed that gene onto Lucas but Abigail, honey; you need to learn to control your anger. Not everyone in this country likes our family, not everyone liked your mum either. Some said some horrible things when she was alive, only changing their tune when she unfortunately passed."

"Dad whatever happened to Gran and Papa?" I asked my dad as he sat next to me on the bench.

"You knew your Gran but you know Papa died."

"I'm not meaning mum's mum and dad. I'm meaning your mum and dad. Whatever happened to them? I've never seen them."

He gulped before continuing, "They disowned me. When I married your mum at 18, they said they didn't want to know me anymore. I sent them pictures of you and Lucas but they returned them, wanting nothing to do with you both."

"Did it hurt?" I questioned.

"Did what hurt?"

"Losing them both?"

"Very. I was distraught that they had just given up on me and given up on knowing their grandkids. Your gran is like you, very quiet spoke, small, and loves to read a lot. However, I learned to live with it. Of course, there is a hole in my heart - not literally where they should be. They didn't even care about us when your mum died. I invited them to the funeral but nothing," He spoke sadly.

"Why did they disown you?"

"Jealousy. They were jealous that I had been picked out to be the ruler of Milowa, alongside your mum. I tried to reason with them that it was depicted on when your birthday was and how compatible you would be with that person, of course, they didn't listen. They just shunted me to the side and loved my siblings more."

"Do they even talk to you? Your siblings, I mean."

"Unfortunately not. Which is why, your mum and I made sure that you and Lucas would grow up to rely on each other. Not so much but you needed each other in the best of times. We know you love your brother and him you but we just needed to be sure that he'd be there for whenever we were no longer around," He sighed.

"Does Lucas know about all this?"

"He hasn't ever asked the questions you asked. He was set on getting the law overturned so he could rule with Shelby instead of Emily."

"Strange how that turned out," I spoke. "But, would they do if I turned up at their door?" I then questioned.

"I don't know. I'm guessing they'd probably turn you away because you are, after all, related to me," He responded.

"I can only try. I love Gran with everything I have but I have other grandparents out there, who I don't know. Whom I'd like to know. I could play sly and take Klein for a ride and say we're doing something for school."

"They'd catch on. They'd know it was you, Abigail. You're the spitting image of your mum. Well, minus the ginger hair."

"Stop mocking my hair!" I scalded.

"Sorry, honey. Anyway, I think it might be time for me to leave. Your classes are due out soon and I have to get back for some paperwork."

"I'll see you later, dad."

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