Words Will Always Break Me - A Larry Stylinson Fanfic

Start from the beginning

"Well, it is my house, I can do what I want"

"Well, no, actually. Its OUR house, and we had a deal"

"Just cause you can't get any"

"I prefer relationships to one night stands"

"Well, at least I'm wanted."

"We all are. We are celebrities"

"Yeah, but even the fans would turn if they found out you were gay"

Louis stormed back into his room, slamming the door in Harry's face, whilst Harry stood there in shock at his words. Less than a minute later, Louis and his companion were at it again, just as loud as before, and Harry couldn't take being in the house any longer. He stormed downstairs, grabbing his coat and leaving the house behind him, forgetting to grab his keys on the way. He'd now been wandering around the surrounding streets for around 30 mins, with no way of getting back in, and truthfully no heartfelt intention to return either way.

Eventually he gave up walking, and called Niall to pick him up, which he did without question. The car ride was silent, and when they got to Niall's, Harry immediately went upstairs, locking himself in the bathroom and showering under the hot spray to attempt to rid him of the cold in his bones. At first, Niall had thought it was just another one of their petty arguments, where Harry would walk out, argue with Louis over the phone for 10 mins and then skip happily back home like nothing had ever happened, but when he heard Harry's phone ringing constantly, never being answered, he knew something big had happened, and after hearing the shower run for nearly 40 minutes, he went up to check on the younger boy.

As he opened the door to the bathroom, he gasped in shock, as Harry sat there, curled up in a ball under the now cold spray, shivering and shaking but completely silent. Niall rushed to the shower, turning off the water immediately, but not without feeling how ice cold it was. He quickly ran to the closet to grab two big fluffy towels to wrap him in before slowly and carefully coaxing Harry out of the shower into them, wrapping him up and ushering him to the guest bedroom and onto the bed. Harry stayed mute the entire time, eyes glazed over and unfocused, staring at the wall ahead, as Niall fanned a hair dryer over him, attempting to warm him up.

Once the colour slowly returned to Harry's skin, and the towels surrounding him were nearly bone dry, Niall turned the appliance off, and left the room to grab Harry's clothes from the bathroom. As he picked up his coat, Harry's phone fell out, showing 12 missed calls from Louis, 20 text messages, and numerous WhatsApp and Facebook messages, some of which he guessed would also be from the older boy. Figuring Harry wouldn't want to be faced with that right now, he left his phone on the landing table and flicked it onto silent, before retreating to the guest room. When he walked in, he noted that Harry hadn't moved an inch, and the room was deadly silent apart from his shaky breathing. Cautiously, Niall approached him, sitting beside the younger boy on the edge of the bed, and brushing some curls out of his eyes. Harry started to lean into the touch, and then eventually broke the silence, his voice cracking as he spoke.

"I never thought me and Lou would be separated. Especially not over a girl. I thought he would be accepting of me."

Niall sat in silence, not knowing what to say, and he wrapped his arms gingerly around Harry's slender frame. Harry began to shake with emotion, but not a tear escaped his eyes, as he continued to speak.

"I told him out of confidence. He said he was ok with it. I only told him the finer details, and he just went and chucked it back in my face."

Now Niall was curious, and knowing Harry needed advice, decided to ask Harry what the big secret was.

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