Chapter 1

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The smell of the wet concrete mixed with the little soil that hadn't been covered by the cement hit her as the huge drops of rain fell on her feet. It had started raining abruptly. She remembered her umbrella that she looked down upon before leaving her small apartment and wished she carried it.

Her mind kept on shifting back and forth whether she should book a hair appointment but money had been an issue lately and she hated it. The bills keep on pilling up and affording the city life was starting to get to her but what could she do? Being alone had always been her thing.

She lost her mom at a young age of three from  pneumonia on their way from Lycawall and since then the werewolf orphanage had been her home till 18.  She still remembers Jane's teary eyes as she left the gates of a home that she had known for fifteen years.

"Build a story that the dead  I would love to read' Jane's last words  came to her and she smiled  before ducking under the door of her work place.

There was  an upside to being  an orphanage kid. Like where she works, they got her the job there. Might be a diner but it's better than nothing.

Another concern was that she hadn't  gotten to see her werewolf it to happening when she was in the full light of the human world scared her and everyone in her pack. Her alpha Lakaima, who is the leader of the largest pack in the country always sent for her every weekend. It was a way to check on her progress but according to Naama, the pack's foreseer, she was a few years away.

Every wolf took the colour of their hair and Naseem had black hair with a streak of white running  all the way to the back. Her eyes were brown with golden hues that was the envy of every girl in her pack. Talk of rare much.

She made her way through the crowded pathways holding the brown paper bag as shield from the now angry rain to the dinner.

The smell of freshly done chips hit her face as soon as she stepped in. Fry food heaven, a modest dinner that was her place of income as a waiter. Molly's had been one of the best joints to get fish and chips in town for both humans and werewolves. Ran by a werewolf it increased the 'patrol' Lakaima had on Naseem.

"You are ten minutes late." Molly mockingly said to her as she made her way to the back to change.

"It started raining."

"Get here fast, full house today."

Molly and her husband beta Joe, were one of the few werewolves who had mates. They had something that most she wolves wanted, a mate. The bond that came with it was every she wolfs dream. Ten years and three pups hadn't reduced the love that they have for each other.

Naseem came back to the front with an apron tied, hair under a net a tint pencil tucked under her ear ready for work. Another night shift another money for her needs.

"Table 6." Molly carefully tossed her her first order of the night.

"I hate table six." She picked up the large tray holding nine plates.

"Well table six makes my pockets happy."


"Rosalie the were-council in South America is at it again." Ronald came into her office forcing her to stop what she was doing.

"What have they done now?" She looked at him through the thick salmon framed glasses.

"They are ignoring every law in the book and taking all the packs there. They have taken most parts of Mexico and Brazil." He breathed out loud. Something that he did when he was mad.They surely know about the protocol." He handed her the piece of paper that contained the signed packs.

"We can't do anything about it Ron, if the packs wanted to sign they did sign." She gave the paper a quick look before pushing it back to him.

"But what of the protocol? Am sure Zachary is giving them no choice." He sat took the seat that she offered.

"We are not sure the were-council is under him, we are simply going with speculation here."

"Aren't the rules that they are using the same as what he was implying you use."

She sighed knowing he was right. Rosalie was the powerful werewolf in the world. With most alphas under her power had grown to be one to force recon with.

She took the throne after her husband was killed by one of the people he trusted. An advisor that told him everything suitable for the pack. Well he was good, good until the time he let power consume his soul.  Reason unknown but the damage that rippled through out the land was disastrous. 

Most went with the seat had been cursed. The death of the previous alpha and his family made the statement a more believed though. An accident that claimed the lives of the alpha, Luna and the little princess Royal alpha family.

"When is Leo coming back?"

"Tonight Rosalie."

"Tell him to meet me in Africa. We have to see Lakaima. With his force behind us am pretty sure we will get most of the Eastern part on our side."

"Canada, hasn't signed to were-council yet." He shook his head in a positive voice.

"Yes I know, I was from the phone with alpha Chris and he is not for the were-council ideologies."

"Let me call Leo right away." He stood up and bowed before leaving the room. Rosalie rubbed the upper beige of the nose, a migraine was creating in again.She needed the most packs behind her and stop the absurd thinking of the were-council.

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