The Goodbyes

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Alyssa's POV
This was the part I was regretting, the goodbyes. How could I say goodbye to my parents? My siblings? My best friends? This was going to be the hardest.

Hi, well I guess I should introduce myself, my name is Alyssa Gabrielle Stern, I am 18 years old and currently live in New York City. I live with my mom, dad, big sister Emma, and little brother Matthew. We live in a penthouse, yes a penthouse. My dad Brian is a Broadway director, it's been pretty cool seeing all these amazing shows and meeting all these cool Broadway stars, but that's another story.

As I said I am 18 years old, I just recently graduated high school. While my best friends, Maya and Alexis are about to attend New York University, I am about to start this foreign program. In this program I will spend 5 months in South Africa, I will live with a host family and just learn about the cultures of another country. I am so excited.

Alright back to the present, we had all just arrived at the airport. I was sitting next to my mom and Alexis, with the rest of my family and Maya sitting around. There were smiles on all of our faces, but there was this strong tension full of sadness in the air. "The flight to Cape Town will be boarding in 10 minutes" the intercom screams.

We all instantaneously stand up and start the hugging. The tears at this point were unstoppable and the hugs were never ending. It felt like seconds before we hear "5 minutes until the flight to Cape Town will begin boarding"

My friends say their goodbyes and step to the side. Emma steps up, grabs me and hugs me as tight as possible "you better not find a hot boy without finding me one too!" We laugh and I move onto my little brother, I bend down to the 10 year old, "you better call me after every show you see and give me all the details!" I demand, my brother and I were theater buddies, always seeing the new and hot shows on Broadway. Finally I reach my parents we have a silent and somber hug. I thank them over and over for letting me do this and I tell them how much I love them. "The flight to Cape Town is now boarding!"

And finally I leave them, wave one last time and board the plane.

My New Sister?Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum