Kidress (Spitfire)

171 3 0

Me: *returns Nightwing and Zatanna to Team*

Nightwing and Zatanna: That was a nightmare.

Me: Many more to come! Wally, Artemis, you're up!

Tigress: Wally?!

Me: Oh, right. *makes Wally visible*

Tigress: *runs to him* WALLY!!!! *punches arm* How DARE you do that to me!

Kid Flash: *hugs Tigress* Good to see you again babe.

Tigress: *meltdown*

Kid Flash: Hey, it's ok Artemis. I'm here now.

Tigress: *sniffling* Don't leave...

Me: *cries happy tears inside*

Everyone: *cries physical happy tears*

Me: Ok, Wally. Tigress.

Kid Flash and Tigress: *look at me*

Me: *makes everyone disappear*

Kid Flash and Tigress: *Is midly startled*

Kid Flash: Is this the "questionnaire"?

Me: *grinning* Yep.

Kid Flash: *to Tigress* I like her already.

Me: Good, cuz you're going to answer my first question. *nods at Tigress* If that's alright with you.

Tigress: Well, you somehow brought him back. Ask away.

Me: *grins*

Wally: *groans*

Me: Don't feel so bad... I made Nightwing and Zatanna do the same. *winks*

Wally: Great.

Me: Ok, so what did you feel when you saw Artemis for the first time?

Wally: *glances at Artemis* please don't make me answer this.

Me: A bit too late for that...

Wally: ...Fine

Me: Good boy Wally! Now answer.

Wally: *sweating* Uh, I thought she was an upstart. *glanced nervously at Artemis* Don't hurt me babe...

Tigress: *Leans on her bow casually* Oh, don't worry, I won't. I'm actually happy to know we both felt the same way.

Me: Yes! This is why you guys are my second favourite ship! Always so honest. Good work you two.

Wally: Wait a sec. Second favourite?!

Me: Yep. *makes the Team re-appear* Bye now!

Wally and Artemis: ...

Nightwing: Welcome back to heaven.

Me: Hmmmm, now who's next?

Everyone: *pales*

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