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Mark left me in the hallway to go look at the first and last result papers with Ty's nurse. I was stuck here sitting next to a little girl that couldn't stop squirming in her chair. She kept poking my arm. I didn't pay attention to her and lifted my collar up further to cover more of my face. Before I could protest, the little girl snatched the hat off my head revealing my insane hair and ears.

"Why are your ears like that, mister?" I stared wide eyed at this what I presumed was a five year old. She cocked her head to side with curiosity burning into my brain.

"I... uh. Look, lass. I need that hat. So could I have it back?" I watched her little head shake back and forth as she giggled with joy. I groaned in annoyance but smiled a bit at the little girl. "Lass, please? People can't see me like this. Please."

"Why not? Is it because you're a freak?" Harsh. But true.

"Well... n-"

"You're such a liar, mister. You don't want people to see your ears because you'd be a freak in their eyes. But what made your ears like that?" And just like that, I was again in the presence of someone much more aware than myself.

"A horrible accident that has led many of my friends and family to believe that I am no longer with them." I sighed and began instinctively fidgeting with my fingers. How was I supposed to get this fucking toddler to give me my hat?

"They think you're dead? Why don't you tell them you're still here? Why not give them back what they've lost? I know I'd want someone I love to come to me if they haven't passed yet. Like my parents. I want them to come back to me. They were in an accident like you." My heart stopped. This little girl is here for her dying parents and I'm just sitting here trying to not get pissed off at her. She talks like she's way older. And she's got more sense than most five year olds I've seen. Is she even five?

"I doubt they were in a similar accident to that of my own. And the reason I don't tell my family and friends that I'm still alive is because of what the accident did to me." Her smile faded shortly after the realization hit her.

"Well, I think you look beautiful just the way you are now. And I bet you didn't look half as good as you do now before the accident. Sure people will think you're a freak but who really cares what those people think? I like you. That's got to count for something. Right?" Where the fuck is this kid going to school? They're doing a fantastic job. Someone deserves a promotion.

My heart melted right there. I could feel the warmth start to surround me as her words echoed throughout my head. "Don't ever change, lass. Those words you're speaking are going to take you places when you grow up." Kindness is always rewarded. She grasped my hand and plopped my hat on top of my hair. I leaned towards her and smiled brightly as she giggled and jumped more.

"I'll try not to change too much so that I can do amazing things like you someday, mister Jack. I know how many people look up to you after only having done what you've been doing for a little over two years. I hope one day I'll be as well known as you so that I can visit places." Is this kid wearing some sort of high tech contacts that are able to analyze fingerprints or something? I hardly recognize myself when I look in the mirror. How could she tell? And why the fuck would her parents allow her to watch me in the first place?

"H-how d-"

"Your voice is exactly like a man's voice I watch on YouTube. If you're not him, I'm sorry for confusing you. But you wouldn't happen to be jacksepticeye, would you?"

"Yeah. That's me. And aren't you a little young to be watching me?" She stopped bouncing and stared me dead in the eyes.

"Who are you calling young? I am seven and a half years old, mister Jack. I'll have you know that I've gotten top of my class two years in a row and won national vocabulary bee every year since I was four. I bet I know more words than you do." My eyes widened. I might be sitting next to the next big scientist or mathematician. Maybe even lawyer if she tries hard enough.

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