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"M-Mark? Please tell me that's who I think it is." My stomach was turning in a knot causing my whole system to feel queasy and nauseous. No wonder why he threw up.

I watched as the man slowly opened his eyes and attempted to sit up. His eyes glowed a bright green and the part of his eye that was supposed to be white was a blood stained red. I swallowed repeatedly trying to get a grip on myself. Until his eyes widened and he spoke.

"Ty?" No, it can't be. He glanced behind me at Mark's hunched over body. "Mark? W-wh-what ar-are y-you two doing H-H-here?" He was having trouble speaking. Probably due to his abnormally large teeth. Not to mention how sharp they must've felt inside his mouth. "Please tell me this is all a dream." He whispered to himself.

"Jack?" My breath hitched in my throat making it extremely hard to get the right word out. His face lit up with a smile almost as if he didn't expect me to remember him. A frown crept onto his face as he realized that he was in fact nude in front of a bunch of people. Then his cheeks flushed a deep red. Lucky for him, some of the people working at this cafe had the decency to offer clothes to him. He took the bright blue jacket gladly and tied it around his waist while standing up from his spot on the ground.


I had to get out of here. My friends have already seen me and an ass ton of other people have too. I looked around searching for a place to hide. Ty noticed this and immediately tried to pull me over to his car. Mark was still retching in the grass. Poor lad.

I decided to take matters into my own hands  because I needed to leave as soon as possible. "Ty let me go, please."

"No offense, Jack, but you died and now you're fucking alive and shit that I can't even begin to understand has obviously happened to you. I would like to help you get well so that you can continue doing what you love. And honestly, I'm absolutely terrified at what might have happened when you fell. Let's just get you out of here." I stopped resisting his pull. Mainly because if I did I would have to stay here longer which I didn't think was a good idea. And Ty has pretty bad temper issues. From what I remember.

Before I forgot, "SORRY ABOUT YOUR WINDOW!" And I received nothing but a few groans and Mark's heavy breathing back. Was he gonna be alright? "Where are you taking me, Ty?"

He stopped walking to his car and turned his head slightly so that he could glance behind himself. "I'm taking you to my house. Do you have a problem with that?" His voice was cold and his words made my heart thump a tiny bit faster.

"No, not at all. It's just, is Roxanne gonna be there?" He continued walking and practically shoved me into his car before getting in himself.

"She is going to freak out." I gulped afraid of what she might do to me. Roxanne was known pretty much by everyone I knew as the person that was in love with me. Except for the fact that we all kept it a secret from Ty so that eventually she and Ty would get together. That didn't happen. Sadly. Apparently, Ty was never interested in her.

Ty whispered something inaudible before his hands started shaking violently against the steering wheel. I looked over at his face and all I saw was complete and utter sadness. Why was he crying?

"Please tell me this isn't a joke, that you're actually here and I didn't just stuff a dead man into my car because of all the guilt I've been feeling?" The struggle he was having with himself was dripping from the tone in his voice.

"N-no. Ty, why would you think that?" He sniffed before gazing up at me with broken eyes that were filled with tears. The once cheery man I knew before was now shattered and crushed by the guilt I had caused him to feel. All because I couldn't hold on any longer. "Why are you crying?"

He didn't respond. Ty pushed his car key into the ignition just as Mark climbed into the back seat. "I uh...-"

"It's fine, Mark. I know." With that he drove out of the parking lot onto the main road back to his house past the factory. "Why do you want to come with us, Mark?"

"I honestly don't know, my gut was telling me that I should follow. So I did... Where are we going exactly?" I watched Ty's face scrunch up. He was going through the worst possible torture. So I sunk in my seat trying to hide my face from the other two until we arrived at Ty's home.

Mark got out first. He opened my door and I attempted to get out. Something was definitely wrong with me. My hands were shaking uncontrollably along with the veins under my skin practically glowing with a greenish tint similar to the toxic waste I'd been stuck in. My breath became violently fast and hard in my chest. Sweat poured down my face as I scrunched my eyes closed to make whatever the hell this was pass faster. Mark was trying to get my attention but I just couldn't at the time.

Before I even knew what was happening, Mark had already swiped me up in his arms bridal style and ran straight for the house. I clutched tightly to his collar as the torture in my gut became unbearable. A slight whimper escaped my control. Mark noticed because he sprinted up to the door knocking on it with his foot. Since Ty was still in the car down the hill in front of his house.

"Hello? Who is it?" I heard Roxanne's voice behind the door.

"It's Mark!" He said through clenched teeth. Probably from the strain I was putting on his body. "Roxanne, please let us in!" She immediately unlocked the door and didn't even get a chance to open it all the way before Mark burst through and laid me on the couch near the front door. My whole body was tense and sweating. I was taking abnormally short breaths as the sweat traveled down my chest. "Jack, just breathe. Everything is okay. You're at Tyson's house."

I replied with a shaky breath. "No shit, Sherlock." I smiled and closed my eyes before laying my hands over my heart trying to see if I can keep the thumping under control.

"Roxanne?! Could you get a-"

"Got a wet rag right here. Um, Mark? As in Markiplier?" I opened one eye and looked at them. Roxanne held a wet rag and gingerly offered the rag to him. He took it and I immediately turned to me with a concerned glare. He placed the rag on my forehead and asked me if I wanted anything. I just groaned and waited for the tension in my chest to die down.

"Jack, please just breathe. You're going to be alright." I didn't believe him. I've been through hell and back and yet he still felt that I needed someone to tell me I'll be alright. I admire his fatherly ability. It's just that I don't want him to father me like this. He's my friend, not my dad, damnit. "What the hell happened to you, Jack?" He whispered oddly loud enough for me to hear.

"I... have no idea." The wet rag on my forehead helped soothe the pounding headache a bit but not by much. The trembling in my fingers reached an unbearable point that I had to sit up and sit on them in order to keep them under control. Which seems to be slipping from my grasp.

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