⎼⎼⌞chapter five⌝⎼⎼

Start from the beginning

"Well it would cost more than nothing. But it's still cheaper than sending like a horse, or an adult moose—" He said before Beca abruptly interrupted him.

"You know what, did you ever stop and think that you're too big? It would cost a fortune to mail you!" Beca said causing them to grin as they realized they were getting under her skin.

"Yeah! Get 'em tiger!" I said nodding my head at Beca's poor attempt of an insult. Chloe shook her head as she began pulling Beca away, causing us to follow them.

"Beca! What was that?" Chloe shouted at Beca in disbelief as Beca simply shook her head, equally confused with herself.

"Beca, we can't lose to them—" I heard Chloe continue to lecture Beca before I sighed and decided to make my way over to a spot with some drinks.

"Cassie! Hey!" I could hear my name being called, I turned around and spotted Donald making his way towards trying to get through the large crowd.

"Donald!" I shouted surprised as I grinned while pulling him into a hug.

"How did I know that you guys would follow a cryptic note and end up in a guy's basement." Donald teased me as he shook his head with a mock of disapproval.

"Hey, we were precautious!" I said defensively despite it being a clear lie which Donald easily picked up on with a small tilt of his head.

"Oh, shut it." I said playfully as I rolled my eyes, "Amy said this was going to be sexy and mysterious."

"Of course she did, is it as sexy and mysterious as you thought it was going to be?" Donald teased me as I laughed.

"Plenty mysterious, but the sexy dial just got cranked up now that I realized you're here." I said, giving him a sly wink as he shook his head with a small chuckle. Then the lights began flickering on and off, with people screaming with excitement.

"What's going on?" I asked confused while holding Donald's hand.

"Shit, I guess I gotta head over there." Donald said once he saw Jesse ushering him over towards the trebles.

"Boo, you whore." I said letting go of his hand and kissing his cheek before walking off towards the Bellas.

"What's going on?" I could hear the Bella's asking each other as I made my way over to them, but before someone could answer the guy hosting the party made us all form a circle around him.

"Welcome to the first ever showdown of the National a Cappella Laser Ninja Dragon League. Can you dig it? Okay, let's meet our teams." He yelled loudly as everyone cheered, while every a cappella team looked around confused.

"First we have the Treblemakers." He yelled pointing towards them as a loud cheer erupted, I smiled as I cheered for Donald.

"Okay, we have the Barden Bellas." We cheered for ourselves in a attempt to get the crowd to cheer for us as well, but we still managed to get a few boo's.

"Next up, we have the Tone Hangers." Another cheer bursted out of the crowd, I watched in shock as I see the same group that we vandalized the van of for the past four years.

"Sorbet, sorbet, sorbet." The three sang in different notes on the scaled as they all turned around, my jaw dropping as I saw Bumper standing beside them.

"And a cherry on top." Bumper sang as he basked in the glory of it all before raising his hand.

"Raise your hand if you've parked John Mayer's car. Oh, just me?" Bumper said cockily as I shook my head at the scene in front of me.

"Wisconsin's pride: The Green Bay Packers!" They announced as the crowd went absolutely crazy once the spotlight hit the famous football players.

"I'd like to be the brisket in that man sandwich." Amy said as we all continued to gawk at them.

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