No ones says a word. Alright. I stand up, walking into the living room, then sit down on the couch, ruffling my hair. If Izzy could just hurry- he's my only savior this days. Another sip from my fake can and suddenly my grandma notices me, as she's walking outside the bathroom. "Aren't you going out?"

"Not yet."

She comes over, sitting on the edge of the couch. "Why?"

"Waiting for another friend."

"Aren't Axl and his girlfriend already there?"


She huffs. "Do I have to squeeze every single information out of you?"

"God. Why ya' even asking? They're in the kitchen," I hesitate for a moment, "...uhm, kissing."



"You're the third wheel then?"


"Well, that's not nice."

"I don't fuckin' care."


Yeah, yeah. No cursing.

She sighs. "Why are you in here then? I thought you like her."

"I do."


"What 'but'?! There's no 'but'!"

"Are you jealous, Saul?"

"What?! No! Why should I?!"

"Just a question."

"Yeah and a simple answer: I am not. Havin' no reason."


"Didn't you want to visit mom today?"

"Yes. I was just about to leave."

"Not holding you back."

"No. You're not."

She's standing up. "And your little trick with the lemonade can there- I can smell you are drinking beer, but nice try, darling."

When we arrive, I immediately sit down beneath Izzy and as soon as Axl and Judy leave for a smoke, I groan deeply. "God! They are going on my nerves."

Izzy gives me a calm, casual grin. "Why?"

"All lovey-dovey."

"Yeah...just ignore them."

"I can't. Can't he leave her at home for one fuckin' night?!"

"Why is it bothering you so much? Just get drunk."

"I'm on it."

He leans back, lazily brushing some hair out of his face. "I may have something else to light up your mood..."


He's fumbling in his jacket, then shows me his outstretched hand, a bunch of small green and blue pills in his palm.

"What's it?"

"Just try."

"You took them before?"

He just grins, opens his mouth and places one on his tongue demonstratively, then offers me one as well. I shrug my shoulders, taking it and gulp it down with a sip of my beer, then watch Izzy throwing one into Axls glass as well. "Gotta make him relax a little..."

"You think that's a good idea?"

"We'll see."

"Well...ok..." At least he he can't blame me, right?

Just One Look.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن