Hoping to spot Kristos before he saw me, I scanned the dining room as we passed through the entry way and into the large dining room. I wanted to give myself some time to prepare mentally. The restaurant was full of couples and double dates. Everyone appeared to be matched with a partner. Aside from curious stares and speculative gawking, no one seemed to be looking for me specifically.

By then the security detail had sped up again, herding me through the restaurant like an errant lamb. I struggled not to trip as my dress twined around my legs and under my heels. Stupid slit.

"There he is. Nine o'clock," said one of the guards to the others.

I turned to look and saw him. Kristos the vampire took my breath away. In a room full of noise and movement, he was motionless. His absolute stillness made him stand out in sharp relief, timeless as ancient statue. I studied his features, noting the hooked nose and square jaw. His shoulders were broad and his suit followed the trim muscle of his physique. As far as I knew it was the first time I'd ever seen a vampire up close and personal, and he was much better looking than I had anticipated.

For some unknown reason, I was instantly attracted to him, and the moment I had that insight he moved, turning his head to focus on me. For a long second, everything and everyone around me ceased to exist, it was just me and Kristos. My pulse quickened and my breathing came fast. I felt like I was falling into his gaze, as if his eyes were swallowing me whole and then....and then I was on the floor, my dress finally bringing me down.

With a loud 'oof' I slammed to the ground, trying to land on my side to avoid face planting. The momentum rolled me onto my back, whipping my legs apart, which displayed my lack of underwear for all to see.

There was a moment of silence before a sonic wave of gasps and titters crashed down on me, bringing my humiliation to the fore. The security guys just stood there, apparently just as shocked as everyone else that I had a real live vagina under my dress.

Burning with mortification, I quickly pulled the gown over my naked bits and tried to stand up, but the heels caught in the hem again.

Damn it.

The guards still hadn't moved either. Not one of them lifted a finger to help me. Useless bastard Navy Seal poseurs.

So I crawled. Kristos' table wasn't that far away and it was a large round with a long table cloth. My goal was to get under there and hide until I was dead and mummified beyond recognition.

People murmured as I passed their tables, but I ignored it, focusing with tunnel vision on just getting to Kristos' table without flashing anyone else.

Once I was there, I bolted into my hidey-hole, huddling with my knees pulled up to my chest and my skirt wrapped around me like a cocoon. Sniffing back tears, I squeezed my eyes closed and tried to pretend none of this was happening.

Oh, how far the fantasy supermodel version of me had fallen. Right into hell.

"Miss Danson?" Kristos ducked under the table to peer at me, curiosity gleaming in his eyes. Now that we were face-to-face I could see they were light aquamarine blue.

"Go away," I sniffed.

"After that entrance, I can't possibly leave you alone." He slipped under the table with me, which just made me cry harder. "Are you all right? I mean, physically as your emotional distress is obvious." He laid a gentle hand on my shoulder.

I nodded. "I'm fine. It's just these damn shoes. They kept tripping me up and your guards wouldn't slow down." I kicked off the shoes in question. I never wanted to wear them again.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2016 ⏰

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Reborn (Blood Courtesans Book 1) Vampire RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now