CH 4: Trust Me

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For the February issue, Zac was assigned a photographic essay. Usually, he just took photos for articles or a fashion spread, but this would be his first real piece on his own; a true career milestone for him. He felt inspired as he plopped a legal pad on his desk and began to furiously scribble notes, lists, and possibilities. He wanted to make Ally the center of the shoot without her knowing so that he could showcase how he saw her as she worked. After two hours he was very pleased with himself as he walked to his apartment and stopped for coffee. When he let himself in, he turned on his favorite album and began writing emails. The first was to his mother asking permission to use their property in Tulsa for a weekend, and then an email to his brothers to ask if Taylor and his wife would be models and to then see if his brothers' band would participate as well in the shoot. The last bit of business for the day was to text Ally and book their flight. He wouldn't be using the ITZ stylist and wanted everyone to be as natural as possible and in their own element. If he was going to do a shoot about their love. He took a breath and began to text Ally.

Z: I got a huge assignment from Raye. She wants us to start working on the Valentine issue. We're going to Tulsa in two weeks to shoot for three days and will stay with my family.

A: Wow, the city boy returns. Do we have to stay with your family though?

Z: Yes. My mom has been begging me to visit before Christmas and I want them to meet my beautiful girlfriend.

Ally bit her lip as she laid down on her bed reading the message from Zac. They hadn't been official that long and it made her nervous to think that he was so sure that wanted her to meet his family. She'd heard great stories of their travels and the band he belonged to with his brothers as well as his several brothers and sisters.

A: Fine, Hanson. You're lucky I'm fond of you.

Three days later Ally and Zac were on a jog around Central Park. Zac couldn't put his finger on it, but something was off about Ally today. She was fidgeting, quiet and pretty short with him when he would ask her questions. During their cool down walk he decided to make sure that she was okay. "What's up with you, Ally? Are you mad at me?" He asked as he took a sip of his water. She shook her head no and gave a soft smile before answering, "No I'm just kind of nervous about staying with your family. I mean, we haven't been together long and I would just be crushed if they hated me." Zac took her hand bringing it up to his lips and kissing her knuckles. "They'll love you; just like I do." She blushed at this. She hadn't heard him say that yet and it made her heart drop in the best way possible. She took a sip of her water and smiled then cupped his face with her hands. "I love you too Hanson." She kissed him deeply and then began to run at full speed. After recovering from the rush of her lips Zac began sprinting after her.

The chase ended at her apartment door she'd beaten Zac and with record speed unlocked her door. She walked to her bedroom and every few steps would shed a piece of clothing. By the time she got to her bed Zac had reached the door and when he shut the door behind him his jaw dropped upon seeing the trail of clothing. Eagerly he stalked to her room not being able to control the tightness in his shorts. Ally was a sight to behold on the bed. She had taken her hair out of the messy bun she was sporting letting her black hair cascade down her shoulders in messy curls. When she saw Zac was going to speak, Ally walked up to him and bit his lip then began to strip him. When she reached his boxers she took her time rolling them down, and when she reached his glory she pleased him into ecstasy. Zac's manhood was warm, surging, and exploded with love and lust into Ally's awaiting mouth. When he was done he picked her up slamming her down onto the bed and then returned the favor. She exploded with joy and after a long nap spent in Zac's arms, the two began to plan the Tulsa shoot.

Chinese was ordered, and picnicked on her bed wrapped only in bed sheets as they fed each other and planned makeup looks for everyone. Zac had a very clear vision of everyone being natural and not too made up. "Will this read well Zachary?" Ally asked as she wrote an email. Zac smiled and laid back on the bed taking her phone away. "Trust me. When everyone sees my vision they will love the subject just as much as I do."

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