CH. 2: Very New York

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"This is very New York, Johannah" Ally explained to the young model in front of her touching up the lipstick she'd carefully applied. The poor girl was a nervous wreck as she was dressed in a gold top, jeans, and faux fur-coat and made to stand in Central Park. "Th-Thank you. I've never really modeled outside the mall in my hometown before." the girl stated as she shook sipping her coffee. The concept for the shoot was a socialite walking around Central Park, having fun, and taking in the sites. Ally nodded as she looked at her phone for the time. It was 11:06 a.m. and the moment that she was about to send a text reprimanding him for being late a clicking was heard behind her. It was Zac, already snapping pictures. "Keep touching her up, Ally. This looks great." He said in his charming voice. Ally of course complied though Zac knew how much she hated being in the photograph when she was in work mode, but who could say no to him? The man could sell ice to an Eskimo. The shoot was simple enough. Johannah would smile while buying food from a vendor, or skipping around an open grass area letting balloons go. Once the shoot wrapped, Zac walked up to Ally and helped her pack up her makeup station.

"Thank you for the coffee this morning. You know...something tells me that I should ask you to dinner." She blushed not really thinking that the note would work. They had been flirtatious and intimate for years but had never really gone out together. Zac smiled as he loaded her car for her and then got into the driver's seat. "What are you doing?" Ally said looking at Zac confused. "We're going to dinner, silly. Work is over for the day and I want to take you out." He then grabbed her hand pulling it to his lips and planting the sweetest kiss that Ally had ever received. One that wasn't sneaky, or in a drunken moment, but in public and on their way to date. Ally sighed as she handed him the keys and let him drive her downtown.

Dinner that night was in a hole in the wall Brazilian place that Zac considered to be top-notch. It wasn't five stars or fancy, but it had the best damn Feijoada this side of the Atlantic. He also knew that Ally would love it because her parents were from Brazil. They stayed at the table reminiscing and holding hands across the table for three hours. He couldn't stop staring at her eyes and being completely enthralled by the way her eyes would light up when she would talk about something that caught her interest. He could listen to her voice forever; like an album that you listen to on repeat. They ended the night properly at Ally's door. Zac stood across from her placing his hands on her hips and giving that smile that only he can. They stared at each other for what seemed like hours. Part of him wanting to throw open her apartment door and slam her onto her bed, the other part knowing that you leave a lady at the end of the night with a kiss at her doorstep and a promise to meet again later. Their lips met exchanging a beautiful affection for one another.

When they pulled away Zac planted a kiss on her cheek and whispered, "sweet dreams" into her ear. Ally was so floored with a longing that she stood in her doorway and watched as Zac walked away. Previously when they had kissed or been intimate it always spurred of the moment, or in secret. Though they had been toying with each other for years now, something about tonight was different; it was proper and everything Ally had been waiting to experience with Zac. She couldn't help but want more.

Walking home Zac couldn't help but pat himself on the back a little. He smiled as he heard his mom's voice in his head saying, "If you're truly interested in a girl make her feel wanted. A girl like that deserves the best". He was going to show her the very best. He'd secretly always had a thing for Ally. She was so creative, and although she was easily one of the most naturally beautiful women that he'd met she wasn't usually comfortable with being in front of the camera or the center of attention. He felt wrong for pushing her to the side and keeping their affection for one another secret, but that wasn't going to happen again. He was ready, to be honest, and he hoped that she was too.

A/N: Can you spot the Hanson lyric? Sorry, this is so short...I wanted to set this story in the right way. Let me know what you think!

Model BehaviorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora