Wake Up Call

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This chapter is deciated to one of the first author i started following on wattpad. With out her I would be no where


When I wake up it’s not to sound of birds or the smell of my father’s heart shape pancakes. It’s yelling between two males. I make out the first voice being River the other is sort of a blur. It was way too early for this crap.

“What hell are you doing here McGibbin?”

“Like I know. I just woke up here I have no clue how I got here. What are you doing here?”

“I live here asshole.”

A sudden crash mixed with grunts and groans. The memories of last night come rushing back to me. I spring up from bed making my way to the guest room where River has Mike in a headlock and Mike is swinging at River’s ribs. I am in no mood for anyone’s shenanigans this morning.

“Boys!” I scream.

They both quickly straighten up not before River shoves Mike before pushing pass me. Mumbling something about it being a crap birthday already. I shake my head, he’s such a diva.

“Are you okay?” I ask touching Mike’s shoulder.

“No my head is killing me. Where is Kendall? She probably hates me. I’m a such a terrible boyfriend.” He sighed scratching his head.

“Kendall is at home. Sebastian took her last night because you were too wasted to drive. I took you my house since it was so late. Kendall doesn’t hate you she was worried sick about you last night. You might have some major ass kissing to do today but that’s what Valentine’s Day is for.” I explain trying to keep a smile on my face.

 It still stung that he and Kendall were together. I reach over the bed side table grabbing the aspirin and water. I handed them to him.

“Thanks Vivian. I think I should just head home now.” He said popping the pills into mouth then downing the whole water bottle.

“Viv, Dad said you and friend better hurry if you want pancakes.” Katie said poking her head into the doorway. Her blue eyes grew wide as she gazed upon Mike. “Oh my you are gorgeous.” She whispered before taking off down the hall.

She thought that he was gorgeous with a hangover wait until she saw him fully functioning she would soon lose her mind not to mention a few other things.

“Who was that?” Mike asked.

“My baby sister Katie, she’s really shy.” I explain shaking my head. “Do you want pancakes?”

“Pancakes actually sound really good right now and bacon.” He said rubbing his belly.

“Of course there will be bacon, eggs and some sort of pastry my mom picked up from Just Sweet this morning.”

“I’ll be down in minute I just need to make a phone call.”

As I leave I hear Mike in hush whispers on the phone, I make my way downstairs only to brush past River who is blocking the way to the kitchen.

“You better make sure McGibbin doesn’t steal anything.” He snarled.

“You better make sure Rory has the best time tonight. Because brother or not I will break your arm with a metal bat.” I spat back at him. “Oh and happy birthday asshole.” I added before pushing pass him. When I entered the kitchen I could feel all eyes lay upon me. I was surprised to Leo sitting next to Robin I knew everyone had questions, but I didn’t feel obligated to answer any of them. As I sat down at the table with River quietly following behind me. I wait for someone to speak because the silence was killing.

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