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The door to Baz and Simon's dormitory opens and they both pull away, looking up in shock. Agatha stands at the door, staring in surprise at the two boys tangled together on the couch. She pauses and opens her mouth to say something then she turns and runs out of the room.

"Oh. My. God." Simon says

"Snow... Oh god, I'm sorry." Baz says "Go, tell her you don't like me... just... tell her I kissed you first and you hated it..."

"No, but Baz, I liked it. It's better than kissing... her."

"Simon you have to say sorry. Make up with her." Simon pauses then glances at Baz and walks out of the dorm to look for Agatha.

"I'm sorry Agatha... It's just that..." Simon stutters, unsure of what exactly he wants to say.

"No, Simon, you know what? I'm done with you. You can go back to your disgusting gay boyfriend and I'll go find someone who deserves me."


"No Simon. I don't care what you have to say. I'm done. You were a crap boyfriend anyways." And with that she storms out of the room. Simon stood there, defeated, before walking slowly back to his and Baz's shared dorm.

"Snow?" Baz says quietly

"Shut up."



"What did she say?"

"I said shut. Up."


"NO!" Simon shouts

"Ok..." Baz looks deflated. There's a pause

"Sorry..." Simon says finally

"No it's ok Simon, Come here." Simon obeys quietly and Baz envelopes him in a bear-like hug. There's a short silence before Simon says "Baz?"

"Yes Snow?"

"You called me Simon."

"Did I really?"

"Yes." Simon looks up and Baz gently kisses him on the nose, then the cheek and, finally, on the lips.

"Simon!" Penny shouts "You did what?" Simon looks at his feet "I ended it with Agatha... she... she saw me kissing Baz."

"Kissing Baz? Your arch nemesis? Really Simon, I don't know what has gotten into you..."

"What? Baz is cute... have you seen his widows peak?"

"Be serious Simon." Penny says sternly "You seriously pick Baz over Agatha?"




"Yes. I respect your choices; I just didn't think you were... Thank kind of person."

"What kind of person Penny? The kind of person that prefers boys over girls? I didn't think I was like that either but you can't judge yourself if you aren't sure."

A/N Ok this was a shortish chapter but I really don't know if you guys like this story. And remember you are all beautiful so don't judge yourself if you aren't sure. To some people you might be average but to some people you are the sun. On that note; I hope you enjoyed this chapter and bye!

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