You knew

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We stepped out of the plane  and breathed in the air of our new soil. I looked over at Gwen and she let out a sigh of relief. "Gwen are you okay?" I asked. She looked over at me and slowly started nodding her head yes. She didn't say anything though, just a tear drop rolled down her cheek.

"I'm just... its weird because everyday for the past however many years I've been doing it, I've been going to the bridge every night and standing on the ledge just waiting for someone to listen. To care. And for a long time nobody did and then you came along and everything was different. Now I don't have to go to that same bridge every night and wonder what's gonna happen the next day."

"The next year the next anything. It was because of you that I'm here and that I'm free basically." She finished. "Well and also now that I'm here I'm never leaving." I pointed out to her. "And to me that's everything I need right now." She said in response.

I nodded my head at her and gave her a small smile, walking towards a rental car that was left at the airport for anybody in need of one. Her and I climbed in and requested the nearest hotel. When we got to the specific one though the fee for a one night stay for two people was $600.00.

Needless to say we decided to be in the same room as each other.

When we got up there though there was 1 bed. 1. I looked at her and she looked at me and we both rolled our eyes, tired and discouraged we both flopped down and passed out on either side of each other.

The next morning when I woke up Gwen was gone. A few seconds later our door opened up and there she was. "There's a continental breakfast that comes with the hotel, so I brought you a plate of food." She said. I smiled at her and thanked her before getting a nod and smile in response and following with me taking the tray.

She'd been acting awkwardly happy lately and I couldn't really understand why, she had nobody but me here. At least there she knew all of her surroundings and sure that bridge was a sad reminder of her life but why would she be happy here of all places. I'd been trying to figure it out all morning.

While trying, I came up with a few strategies on how to make it so that Gwen and I could have conversations without her being reminded of something sad, but then I remembered that takes a lot of time and effort.

I eventually thought of a sentence. It was a good sentence.

She looked up at me and I looked down at her. "You look exceptionally pretty today." She went from a straight face to a meager smile and she looked back down at the food. "That's really nice to say, but I don't really know if I would call myself exceptionally pretty any day."

I tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear and said, "But I would." She looked up at me and just stared into my eyes for what seemed like an hour but it was a mere 5 minutes. I was about to close in on her when she moved away from me and went over to the bags of stuff she brought with her.

"While I was down there I decided to go to the gift shop. There were a lot of really pretty snow globes and I have a collection of them. The first one I got was a red panda, it's supposed to be some kind of good luck charm. The second one was Hawaiian themed and had tiki faces on it. The third one was a really dark blue ocean. Took my breath away."

As she was listing them off she was taking them out of the bags and placing them on a bedside table that was in the room we were staying at.

"Which one is your favorite one?" I asked. She took a minute to study them and finally cocked her head to the side and pointed to the one with the dark blue ocean. "This one definitely. Oceans are really calming. I love dark blue I love the look of waves. They help me envision what they sound like and feel like." She closed her eyes and started to smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2016 ⏰

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