First Time

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I waited in that hospital room for two hours everyday for two weeks hoping and praying she would wake up. Doctors kept telling me I didn't have to come, especially because I didn't even know her. I didn't know her name, her age, or anything. That's why I wanted to stay. Her name. I had to get it.

The day after the third week I started to feel hopeless and was about to walk out the door when I heard her say, "Wait." In a really weak voice. I turned around and it was like everything was going in slow motion. I ran back to the bed she was in, knelt down, and said a silent prayer of thanks and grace because she woke up finally.

"I thought you were gone." I said. "Yeah. Me too." She replied. I just sat there, looking at her not really sure of what to say, what I could say.

Finally I decided to grow a pair and ask her, "Would you mind telling me what the hell you were thinking?"

She looked at me like I was a completely different person and I instantly regretted it. "I was thinking that you saved me both times and I was not gonna let you do it again. You shouldn't have to save me, you don't even know me. And you sure as hell shouldn't have to feel sorry for me."

"I don't feel sorry for you. I'm mad at you." I replied. She tore her gaze away from me and looked at the floor, eventually saying, "Why are you mad."

"Oh I don't know because I was on my way to the airport to get on a plane and go to Atlanta to start my new job. My new life. And then I saw you, and you were just so helpless and I wasn't going to just leave you there. So I helped you out."

"I saved you once because I believed in you. I saved you twice because I knew this would happen. And I'm saving you now because you're more than just somebody I feel sorry for, you're a person that deserves someone that's here for them constantly."

"I know that something really tradgic had to have happened for you to be how you are and it was probably just some asshole that told you he loved you and left you. I've been there I've done that. But I'm not gonna leave like they did, whether I know you or not I'm not just gonna let you go. Because the second I do I know you're gonna be gone. I can't let that happen."

"Seeing you on the front page of the news, pronouncing your death that's not something I can do. That's not okay. I'm mad because I'm here and I'm trying to help and provide for you but you don't want any of it and you think I'm just sucking up to you because you tried killing yourself three times in the past 3 weeks."

"But that's not why I'm trying to help you, okay? I'm trying to help you because I know you would do it for me if it was the other way around and you can deny it all that you want, but right now you're broken. So you need me just as much as I know you do." I finished.

She stared at me for a long time and dropped her eyes back to the floor. She didn't say anything in return so I took that as the opportunity to ask her what I've been wanting to know. "What's your name?"

"Gwen." She said. "I feel like I've known you forever but I just met you three weeks ago. Gwen seriously I've saved your life 3 times, I've been waiting for you to wake up from being in a coma for three weeks, and most people only get to experience that in a years span if even that, so I'd say this is a pretty great start." I replied.

She nodded her head in agreement and then the nurse walked in. "Oh good you're awake! Just in time too, today is your release date. If you hadn't have woken up today we would've had to take you to a special room and hook you up to machines." Gwen looked at me and then the nurse and had a worried look on her face.

"They would've been overall harmless to you, you just wouldn't have been breathing on your own, you basically would've been machine operated which means you would've been helpless." The nurse said. Gwen nodded in understanding.

"Now I need to get you a wheelchair and someone from your family needs to come and release you, sign a couple of documents, or if you have a boyfriend that will work too, just somebody you're close with so I know nobody's taking you hostage." She added.

Gwen looked at me and o spoke up, "well I can sign them then, because I'm her boyfriend." The nurse looked at me and smiled, handing me the clipboard and paper and I signed it. She took it from me, clicked her pen, and walked away.

"Thank you for that." Gwen said. I nodded. "Let's just get you out of here before anything else happens to you."

"Those windows look really pretty." She said, chuckling all the while. "Not funny." I replied with a serious tone. She got the hint and didn't say anything else until we were outside. We got to the car and I helped her in the passenger seat. She was still really weak so I didn't wanna push it.

When she was in I got in and instead of starting the car I just looked over at her. "I've got a plane to catch. I don't know what you're going to do." She looked from me to the dashboard and went into deep thought.

"I've never really done anything spontaneous... so if I told you that I wanted to go with you, you'd think I was absolutely crazy. But if I said I didn't want to go you would say I have no choice because you don't want me hurting or killing myself. So either way, I think I'm coming with you." She said. 

"Well, even though this could end up being the most stupid decision I've ever made, I'm gonna say you're going with me. Not because I'm sympathetic of you, not because I feel bad for you, simply because I like you as a person, Gwen. And there is always a first time for everything." I told her.

She nodded her head. "What's your name" I was a little taken aback by her question because it was so off topic but I finally said, "It's Xavier. Xavier Heed."

She smiled and nodded, that night we were on our way to Atlanta.

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