Chapter Two: Stalked

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When we were attacked, there must had been a power outage. There was no power at all, and the only light source we had were candles on the shelves.

"Shit!" Alan yelled, and punched my wall.

 Merissa was in fetal position on my bed, rocking back and fourth. I took a blanket out of my toy chest and wrapped it over her. I put my back against the wall and slid down.

"Shit. Your lucky Jeremy, if I never came you'd be dead." Alan said, with his face buried in his hands.

"You're wrong," I said, staring at him with cold eyes. "If you never caused the big commotion and ruined the moment, it would have never happened. They heard you Alan. Why didn't you just call my cell phone, before you came running through the field you asshole?" I snapped, my hands now in fists.

"You think this is because of me? Wow Jeremy, we've been friends for years. I thought it'd be funny to scare you while you were on the date. I just wanted to check up on you and I wanted to see how you were making out." He said, giving me a dumb look.

I looked out the window and it was too dark to see the houses next door.

"We're staying here until the sun comes up. We don't have our cell phones, there's no internet, and all the lines are down. Where the hell is my dad? He should have been home by now, and he never told me he was leaving either."

Merissa had fallen asleep. I tucked her into my bed and me and Alan went downstairs. Me and Alan sat on the couch, facing each other. He seemed tired, but his eyes were wide open. Neither me or him would get any sleep tonight.

"I could have killed those wolves easy you know." Alan said, looking away from me.

"You had only a knife. That's not even close to enough to kill a pack of vicious predators like them." I said, looking at him strangely.

"A knife may not be able to kill them all. But this could." He reached into his behind pocket and pulled out a Kel-Tec P32 pistol. It looked fake.

"It looks like plastic Alan, give me a break, I mean, how on earth would you even get one of those?" I said, looking at the "gun" with one raised eyebrow.

Alan pointed the gun to a nearby vase, and pulled the trigger. The vase shattered, and glass fell all over the floor. I jumped out from the couch and took a few steps back.

"Alan.. where did you get that?" I asked, looking at the gun. He tossed me the weapon and I almost dropped it, out of fear that I'd shoot myself accidentally.

"It was in my father's collection box." He said, as I tossed it back to him. "Promise not to tell anyone?" He asked, putting it back into his pocket.

"As long as I never see it again." I said, and sat myself back down.

Then, me and Alan heard a noise. Our hearts sank. It sounded like a door was slowly creaking open. And the worst part was that it was actually the backyard door opening. My eyes flicked across the living room to look for something I could grab to defend myself if anything was there. I took a nearby crowbar and Alan took out his gun. We slowly rose from the couch, and tip toed towards the kitchen hall. Alan motioned me that he was going to flick the light switch. I nodded my head, and he turned the lights on. We screamed like devils, and stormed the kitchen.

Nothing was there. The kitchen seemed untouched and was completely empty. But soon, something caught my eye. There were drops of blood leading into the other hallway. I looked at Alan in fear.

"Merissa.." Me and Alan stopped dead in our tracks. I didn't say her name, and neither did Alan. It was a whisper in the air.

Me and Alan ran up the stairs. I remember was yelling Merissa's name. The last thing I definitely remember is bursting into my room. The window was open and somebody was bending over Merissa's body. She was looking up, shaking. The person looked across the room at me and Alan and then.. nothing. That's all I can remember.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2012 ⏰

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