chapter twenty two

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Last night I dreamt that my family found, and killed me for putting them in jail. I was scared after I woke up so I stayed up until every one else woke up.

Now, I was on the bus listening to music. Trying to distract myself from the horrible dream I had last night. I had on the perfect song, Diary of Jane by Breaking Benjamin:

"If I had to

I would put myself right beside you

So let me ask

Would you like that?

Would you like that?

And I don't mind

If you say this love is the last time

So now I'll ask

Do you like that?

Do you like that?


Something's getting in the way.

Something's just about to break.

I will try to find my place in the diary of Jane.

So tell me how it should be.

Try to find out what makes you tick.

As I lie down

Sore and sick.

Do you like that?

Do you like that?

There's a fine line between love and hate.

And I don't mind.

Just let me say that

I like that

I like that

Something's getting in the way.

Something's just about to break.

I will try to find my place in the diary of Jane.

As I burn another page,

As I look the other way.

I still try to find my place in the diary of Jane.

So tell me how it should be.

Desperate, I will crawl

Waiting for so long

No love, there is no love.

Die for anyone

What have I become?

Something's getting in the way.

Something's just about to break.

I will try to find my place in the diary of Jane."

And the rest of the day went by fine. I fell asleep and had no night mares. And I forgot all of my troubles for once. and I dreamt of nothing.


ok so I am having a stressful day, I finally finished a summary for a current event article.

I forgot a paper that I needed so that I could get my flash cards for intro to bio done.

I have to do a project for language arts.

and I am stuck on a side of my history work sheet that I have to do for homework.

any way, sorry for the sucky chapter.

and if anyone wants to talk to me my instagram name is I_am_the_mocking_jay_3

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