Chapter 16: Zuri

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"Nonsense." He replied, reaching down to retrieve a bottle from behind the bar. Quickly opening it, he passed me the bottle and I put two sickles on the side. "Amy..." He warned. Pushing it quickly back to me. I tutted and put it back in my purse. David went and served someone as I sipped my drink, before he returned and sat the other side of the bar to me.

"So then Darlin'. Who's been goin' roun' upsettin' my gurl?" I laughed softly at his comment.

"No-one. I have upset myself." I admitted. He looked at me questioningly before replying.

"Well watcha go doin' that for?" He asked me, the soft candle-light reflected in his eyes. Making the bright green dance gold stars.

"It's what I think is best. I had to push someone away because I don't want to hurt them."

"But you've 'urt yourself?"

"Doesn't matter. I don't want to talk about it. Make sure my drink is ready at half nine please Dave. And I will be paying for that one." I said. Getting up suddenly and walking to the door. He watched me go.

"No you won't!" He called. I shook my head as I closed the door to the small brick alcove. I watched the old, unassuming bricks ahead of me and smiled as I saw the soft shimmer of magic over one of them. A sign that the Disillusionment Charm was wearing away after years of use. Not that anyone noticed. They were all to busy doing this, that, and the other to notice small things.

I took a deep breath to clear my head and tapped the bricks. Slowly, an old archway appeared before me and I stepped out into the noisy, cobbled street of Diagon Alley.


A couple of hours later, laden down with several bags, I was heading back to the arch when I spotted something in the window of Flourish and Blotts. My heart clenched as an idea came to mind. Could I get him a present? I thought to myself. Yes. I had hurt him. Pushed him unceremoniously away from me. It had taken everything but I had done it. Could I then get him a gift? I looked into the orange bag on my shoulder. Holding small gifts for Minerva, Flitwick and Dumbledore. Yes, I could get him a present. It was no different from any other teacher. And that was all he was to me. My teacher. I bit back a sob and walked into the shop, plastering a solid smile on my face as I did. I picked up the gift, and payed the owner. Putting it quickly into the blue bag with Ron's, Hermione's, and Ginny's gifts, I headed back to the Leaky Cauldron.

Walking through the door, I dumped all the bags on the floor and began to shrink them all.

"What on earth did ya buy?!" David exclaimed, wiping his hands on a surprisingly clean tea towel.

"Oh, nothing much just... Reductio, presents for everyone for Christmas." I answered, shrinking the penultimate bag and putting them all into the one that was left.

"Oh. Right. So then Lassie. Your drink's on the side by't way. You gonna explain what's goin' on? You're not yourself." I looked into the dark green eyes, and caught the reflection of the inn in the mirror behind David It was empty. Except for a couple sat at one of the tables at the back, clutching foaming mugs of something dark. Shaking my head, I walked over to the bar and picked up my drink. David watched me carefully as I downed the glass. I felt the warmth rush through me, making the ends of my nerves tickle and my eyes itch as my throat burned. "Woah sweetheart. Slow da'n." David said, quickly taking the glass from me.

"I'm okay. I just needed a drink. I'm fine." I said, watching my shaking hands in fascination.

"Well. You know I'm not one to push fo' information. That comes wit' ownin' a pub I s'pose. But ya'll talk to me if ya need to righ'?

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