Authors Note - Help?

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I apologise but this story has been stopped. I will either be completely changing this copy, or I will be rewriting this in it's entirety and sticking these chapters into an unfinished/ lost interest book. There are parts of the plot that just don't feel right to me any more and it's killed my motivation.

The same goes for A Chance of Breath and The Difference Between Good and Bad. I know where I wanted those stories to go, but it's been so long since I have written anything for them that I am aware there will be a massive shift.

Over the last few years since my last real updates to these stories, I have experienced a lot of changes in life, and in turn, my writing style has changed, my depth of story planning has changed, and my focus has shifted to one more suited to a demographic of my own age, whereas my previous stories are suited to a demographic of my age when writing them. (Between 15 and 18.)

I know there will be people who want these stories continued, and I do intend to complete them when I can figure out how to blend my writing, or a way to be happy with what is already there. Right now, however, I am working on two new Fics, and trying to continue A Part of Me, Never. I will not be posting the new fics at all until they are complete. I want to be happy with them and have them ready to go so I can reliably update them without disappointing anyone.

I would like feedback, and advice I suppose. There are many out there far more experienced, and far better writers than I. What would you do? When stuck in a rut between your old writing, and your new?

As always, I appreciate anyone who stumbles their sorry way into my stories.

As a cheeky little thank you to those reading this, here is a small sneak peek from the two new Snape Fics. (One Snamione Slow-ish Burn, HEA. The other Snape/OC Slow Burn, also HEA.)

1 - Snamione.

"What do you think would happen to me Miss Granger?" That snarl is fixed firmly in place, voice dry and rough as it brushes round her. "Almost all of his followers are there. I have escaped, if only for a short while. And I have been revealed to be a traitor to the Dark Lord." He shakes his head, crossing his arms over himself, and something moves through his eyes as he looks at her. His voice has dropped when he next speaks. And Hermione feels a twinge of remorse for him. "If I get put Azkaban, I will not come back out again." And that is not a flash of fear in his eyes, it's not. But Hermione is walking to him anyway, and he watches her warily as she places a hand on his arm, ignoring his flinch.

"I won't let that happen Sir, neither will Harry." She huffs as he rolls his eyes. "He won't." She steps back from him and turns to her own Potion. "He has more power now than you realise. Even Skeeter won't mess with him now. He brought down Voldemort. If he says you are to be cleared, the Wizenagamot would be crucified if they even tried to go against it. There would be uproar."

2 - Snape/OC.

Spinners End looked much the same the next morning, but as [She] opened her curtains, a light flickered over the road and she blinked at it for a moment, willing the sleep in her eyes to clear so she could see where it was coming from. A fumbling reach for her glasses, and she was wiping them quickly with the edge of her vest before settling them comfortably on the bridge of her nose. Was it...?

She grinned. Finally! Heading down for breakfast, she decided today she wasn't going to take no for an answer. Bread? Or maybe cupcakes...? No, bread. From what she had heard, she doubted the man had a sweet tooth. And she'll be damned if he used it as another excuse to slam the door on her. She had bloody well won over the rest of this god-forsaken street, so too would she win over Severus Snape, whoever the hell he was. 

Why Would You Hide. A Severus Snape Fanfiction (Stopped)Where stories live. Discover now