Day one

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I wanted to do this to try and help people who are going through what I'm going through and maybe help myself too by talking about my self harm 🙂

I started around 2 years ago, I was going through a lot at home, some of it I wasn't even aware of and I felt like I couldn't talk to anyone and nobody should have to feel like they have no one to talk to.
I was sitting on my bed and the voice in my head (me I guess) was just telling me that I wasn't good enough and I should do it because I wanted to feel pain, so I went into my school bag and took out a sharpener, I broke the sharpener and cut across my arm, it must've been around 20 cuts the whole way up my arm, after that I just starred at what I'd done then put the sharpener back in my bag and went to sleep


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