Chapter 1: Prologue

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This will be my first story type thing, so woo! As I already mentioned in the story's description, this is all based off an RP I'm in with a few people on Miiverse. I liked Team Fang a lot but they just were too irrelevant to fit in there, so I'll write about them here! Anyways, each chapter will be told from one of the two's perspectives. I'll say which one it's from in the beginning of each chapter. If it isn't listed then the chapter is from neither of their perspectives.


Lively town, it's a stormy night. The entire town smells of salt-water. Lightning tears through the dark clouds above as rain pelts the houses below. A "meteor-like" object was reported to have landed in the ocean near the coast. Many of the Explorer's Guild's new recruits wander about the coast trying to figure out what's happening. The lightning begins to become more active and violent. Some bolts touch the ground, hitting trees or antennae on rooftops. Suddenly a large bolt of lightning pierces the sky and hits an alleyway behind a few buildings. As the heavy smoke lifts from the scorched stone two Pokémon lay fainted. A Poochyena and a Skitty. 

Morning, rain drops fall from the gutters of houses that line the alleyway. A few drops land on the sleeping Poochyena's face. It slowly begins to come to, he opens his eyes. His eyelids droop heavily, he flinches as he looks at the sun, his eyes still readjusting to the bright daylight. He comes to his feet but stumbles a lot. His legs feel especially foreign, he can't seem to gain his balance. He falls to the ground, again and again, he eventually quits his attempts and lays on the ground. Though, he quickly begins trying to stand again, this time, he moves slowly, more calculated and cautious. He's finally able to stand, not walk, but he is able to stand. He finally notices the Skitty that lays next to him, she's still fast asleep. He can't help but feel like he knows her "HEY!" The Poochyena yells, he's surprised by his own voice. The Skitty moves a bit and yawns. She stands with complete ease.

"What do mew want, nya?" She asks.

"I was just seeing if you were ... alive." He mumbles.

The Skitty shrugs. "Mew didn't have to do that, who are you exactly?"

"My name is Kuromaru?" He tilts his head. "We don't know each other?"

"Nya ... I don't think so... my name is Nyx! It's nice to meet mew!" She hops in place happily.

Neither of them could quite explain the odd sense of trust they had towards each other. Almost as if they had known each other forever, but if that were the case, why could they not remember each other? They continued to live in Lively town's alleys, they had no other place to go after all.


Hooray! It could be better, maybe I'll touch it up at some point. I'll try to update every other day, on weekends I'll upload whenever but on weekdays I can only post after 4:00pm EST. 

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