"It's on Sunset Boulevard, right? So I have deep doubts that it's gorgeous, but go on."

"We stayed a couple of hours and couple of friends. We forgot about the time. We came home too late-"

"And drunk!"

"- and drunk. Axl stumbled over a pair of shoes...and you know the rest."

She looks at me for a long time. "What about the girl?"

"What girl?"

She clears her throat. "Well. I caught you with your pants opened..."

She clearly is as embarrassed as I am, but I'm still the only one blushing.

"I pissed in the front yard."

"Why are you blushing then?"

"I..." But I don't know what to say.

"Ok. Here's my version: You went into a bar you aren't old enough for. They threw you out. You and Axl bought alcohol and got drunk instead of coming home. You had the great idea to take some girls back home, doing...things with them in our hallway."


"And they just disappeared or what?!"

"No. You shoved them outside as soon as you heard me."

I can't decide if I should protest or just leave her thinking that, cause' it's an easier thing to confess than what really happened.

"I interpret your stillness as an confession."

I still say nothing.

"A few things I have to say: You can drink if you want, but don't go into bars until you are allowed to. Tell me beforehand when you will be coming home late and don't get caught by the police. Don't crawl out of your window to hide from me. Don't get girls crawl inside through your window-"

"I never did!"

"I am not deaf, young man."


"But what?"


"Good. I will leave you be then."

And she's standing up, heading for the living room again, but turns around for another second. "Well...", a deep sigh, "you know there would be a second explanation for all this?"

I look back at her and for a second I just wanna blur it all out, say what we did, say what really happened that night- but I'm not gay and I don't want her to think that. She gives a soft smile when I don't answer.

"But you told me Axl is a nice boy, right?"

"Nothing to do with Axl..." I murmur, trying to shake some hair into my face, but it's not long enough to cover my eyes properly.


"Whatya' wanna say?"

"That you could tell me."

"Axl has a girlfriend!" I spurt out and her smile even widens.

"What has that to do with it now?"

Shit. A fuckin' trap. I am blushing again, harder than before. "Nothing."


And she's gone, leaving me with my still almost full plate, but I am really not hungry anymore.


It's late when there's a soft knocking at the window and I jerk from my half sleeping state, scaring my pet snake to death as she's curled around my arm. She begins moving quickly, shaking her small head nervously and I have to hold her tighter to stop her from escaping.

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