Newt sighed and wrapped his hands around the warm mug, sipping the hot chocolate.

Thomas appeared a minute later, frowing at him before sitting down on the floor with his shoulder resting against the side of the chair.

"I'm hating this already", Thomas said before loudly slurping from his cup.

"Then give up", Newt replied.


"What's up with you?", Chuck asked as he spotted them.

"We made a bet", Thomas answered.

"We're not allowed to touch", Newt added.

"This sounds like the best thing I've heard since I got here", Chuck said with a grin and flopped down on the couch before setting out to search for the remote.

The blond couldn't believe it but he already felt the loss. He pulled his legs up to his chest and wrapped his arms around them before continuing to sip the hot beverage. There was silence until Chuck let out a victorious 'haha!' and switched on the TV. After that there was only Spongebob's annoying voice - at least it was one of the old episodes, not one of the disturbing and sadistic new ones.

Two episodes later, Newt's cup was empty so he got up to put it in the kitchen sink. When he returned Thomas was sitting on the armchair with a smirk, making Newt roll his eyes and sit down on the floor where the brunet had sat earlier. The carpet was warm under him from his boyfriend's body heat - it made him a little sad.

There was quietness for another Spongebob episode before Thomas put his mug on the floor in front of Newt and leaned over the arm rest to look down at him.

"Can you put it on the coffee table?", the brunet asked.

"You could get up and do it yourself", Newt replied.

"Please?" The puppy eyes ... of course.

The blond sighed but leaned back on one arm and reached out to put the cup on the table. Thomas had his arms folded on the arm rest and was looking down at him with everything below the nose hidden behind his sleeve.

"The arm chair's still warm", Thomas said quietly.

Newt just nodded, understanding what he meant.

"I miss it already", the brunet elaborated.

"Then give up", Newt replied, looking up at his boyfriend with big eyes.

Thomas shook his head lightly. "Nope."

The blond sighed and pulled his legs close to his chest, crossing his feet at the ankles and resting his folded arms on his knees. "This was a stupid bet."

"Yup", the brunet agreed. "But I still want to win."

"Yeah, me too", Newt replied grumpily.

"Could you two shut up - I actually want to watch this!", Chuck called out from his spot on the couch.

Thomas lifted his head to stick his tongue out at the younger boy before pulling back, out of Newt's sight. The blond rested his forehead on his folded arms and let out an internal groan.


They helped with lunch, seated at the kitchen table opposite each other - both careful to keep their feet to themselves.

"If you just weren't so bloody adorable", Newt said, forcefully cutting the skin off the carrots with his peeling knife.

"Careful or you'll lose a finger", Thomas replied.

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