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Storm POV

"So basically all we have to do is despise of the bandits and that's worth 4 thousand jewel?" Nashi asked the client. When she's serious like this she reminds me of Aunt Lucy. Everyone in the guild thinks we're just like Uncle Natsu and Dad but when we're alone we're actually really close. Despite what Nashi says, were best friends.

"Correct. I know it seems simple but do not underestimate these bandits. They have terrorised our town for years." The client sighed. He looked tired.

"Don't worry, its nothing FairyTail can't handle!" She said, turning back into her Peppy self again. We all walked outside and I turned to Asuka and Eric.

"So why did you guys come?" I asked.

"Mum told me to come so you two weren't causing a scene." He glared and I laughed.

"Well I am Nashi's best friend so duh, of course I came." Asuka said. I wanted to say, 'no I'm her best friend' but I refrained myself from doing so.

"I think it's cool having a full team like this! Remember the stories everyone tells us of back in their day. When mum and dad were 17 they were in a team just like this one. It was FairyTails strongest team. Lucy Heartfilia, Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster, Erza Scarlet and their trust Cat, Happy!" Nashi said, awed. "I absolutely love the stories. I could listen to them over and over again!" She said, sighing.

"Like the lullaby one. That was the first time they all got together!" Asuka raved.

"Then there was Tenrou Island. I feel bad for Romeo and the others. They were alone for such a long time." Eric said, sadly.

"Yeah but then there's the Grand Magic games! I want to participate in them this year! We'll win for sure!" I exclaimed.

"And then the dragons that came through the Eclipse gate! I heard that there was mum from the future!" Nashi laughed.

"Dragons you say?" A squeaky voice came from the bush. All of a sudden around 50 Bandits were surrounding us. "Dragon I know. Dragon I seen." The leader said.

"A dragon? Don't be ridiculous the last dragons seen were over twenty years ago!" Nashi said, getting into serious mode. Well at least she wasn't angry. That's a scary sight.

"Not one we seen. Dragon big. Dragon black and blue. Dragon scary." The leader said.

"You don't think he's talking about..." Eric drifted off.

"Acnologia." Asuka said, summoning a gun.

"Listen, were not here about a dragon, were here to exterminate you!" I said.

"And that's what we'll do!" Nashi said, punching the leader. The fight was over quickly and we all high fives on a job well done. We collected our award and followed Nashi to some forest.

"Nash, where are we going?"I asked her.

"I smell something." She said, following her nose. We followed her for a good 15 minuets before she stopped abruptly. I was about to ask what it was when an ear splitting roar sounded around us.

"You can't be serious!" Luna said, cowering up to Nashi. "I saw this in one of my visions!"

"What happens after?" Eric asked the trembling exceed.

"There's nothing. No future. Or it just isn't determined yet." She said.

"You're a very smart cat." A voice said from. The trees. Jumped infront of Nashi as a man walked towards us. Eric and Asuka summoned their weapons.

"You smell like that evil dude." Nashi said. I mentally facepalmed.

"That is because I am. My name is Zeref. I'm here to obliterate the world. But first I ask you a favour, Nashi Dragneel." He addressed. Nashi stepped out from behind me and put her hands on her hips.

"Why do you think I'd do anything you ask?" She was growing angry.

"I want you to kill me." He said plainly.

"I'm sorry, what?" I said, confused.

"I'll be back in 5 weeks. If you do not successfully destroy me I will let Acnologia loose on the world. See you in 5 weeks." He disappeared and Acnologia appeared infront of us.

"That's one scary dragon!" Asuka screamed, shooting it. It didn't affect it at all. It swiped its wing, flicking us all away. After that it simply flew off like nothing happened.

"Luna!" I heard Nashi scream. I turned and saw Luna bleeding. "That's it!" She screamed, trying to go after the dragon.

"Nashi stop!" I yelled. Asuka picked up the trembling cat and followed Eric, running for the guild. "Let's go!" I grabbed her arm and dragged her. She kept trying to run after the dragon so I picked her up and ran her the short distance to the guild hall.

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