Chapter 7 - Change

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Dominic and Arimus had been waiting a long time. He could tell. Arimus' usual patient and warm composure was one of annoyance as he harshly tapped his fingers against his left leg. Dominic was yawning and rubbing his right cheek as James solemnly entered the room. He had overslept—again skipping breakfast, but for once he didn't care. He just wanted to stab Dominic and go back to bed.

The night before had been a hectic one and his overactive imagination had refused to let him sleep as he replayed his interactions with Catherine over and over. It wasn't until he ground his face into the pillow and refused to think that he finally slumbered. And he had slept hard, for the next thing he knew, there was a furious pounding on his door that made him leap to his feet. He had answered the door, half-expecting to see Catherine, but found no one there. Whomever it was had run off and he couldn't help but think that if it was her, she sure didn't want to speak with him.

That had only soured his mood even more, and after he gave a half-hearted attempt to dress warmly, he grudgingly trekked to the east wing. Even the bitter morning cold that seeped from under his door nipped at his leg hairs, matching the sharp pricks of memories that stabbed at the recesses of his mind. James walked over to where his proctors stood casually, taking note that Arimus was completely aware of the change in his usual "pressing" attitude. Dominic snickered.

"I guess I hit a nerve last night, even if it was the truth. She wanted to tell you, obviously, but she was afraid you'd get weird on her."

James was tired of hearing Dominic speak.

"Can't we just get this over with?"

"Now I know something's wrong," Dominic said in surprise. "You just want me to end this now? All your hopes and dreams of becoming a Sage? Gone? Just say the word and I will gladly carry out your request."

"You make me sick."

"And you make Catherine sick. Thinking you're above everyone else. It's not like the ladies are dying to see your common face, so where do you get off?"

"You're right," James muttered. Arimus's eyes widened in surprise as Dominic put a hand to his chest in fake awe.

"What was that?"

"I said you're right. I have been acting childish. I'm no better than anyone."

"Wow. Where's an audience when you need one?"

"But I will say one thing," James declared, his voice growing. "I will not allow Catherine to marry you."

James stared steadily into Dominic's eyes. The upperclassman shook his head in disbelief.

"Arimus, are you hearing this? He's going to forbid me to marry Catherine. The guy who called her ugly and barely gave her the time of day. Why, James? So you can abuse her some more?"

Arimus remained motionless, refusing to get between the two.

"I don't know how you became her 'betrothed' but you can't marry her. You won't treat her the way she deserves to be treated and she shouldn't have to settle for less."

"This is so funny coming from you. I hope you don't think you're who she should settle for. It's none of your business how I became her betrothed and I'll treat my wife however I want."

"She's too good for you...and she's not your wife yet."

"Oh don't give me that. All of a sudden, because you know who she is, she deserves the moon and the stars? You need to cut out these wild notions and wake up. No one ends up with the 'perfect' man or woman. Everyone settles. Everyone. Settle for less...what a joke. She's settling for the best around."

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