Chapter 3 - Tests

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James woke up with a pounding headache, but otherwise he was in a chipper mood. Eager to begin the day, he was about to rush off and look for the cafeteria when he nearly bumped into a plate of scrambled eggs and sausage, sitting on the book case next to the bed. Where did that come from? James wondered as he sniffed it suspiciously. He decided that he hadn't made any enemies yet, and so he proceeded to wolf down the plate's contents.

As he ate, James looked around the room, realizing that he must've slept hard. The fire had long gone out of the fireplace so it was cold now, and not even one ember was left glowing in its stead. James quickly gobbled up the breakfast, warming his stomach and satisfying his appetite as he dwelled on the previous night's game.

The nerve of that girl, he thought. Didn't even want my name.

James shook his head and chuckled as he thought of Leidy and how aggressive she could be. She and Catherine were so similar in attitude that they would probably be the best of friends.

Two Leidys, he chuckled to himself. That's a scary thought...but at least Catherine smells nice. And she's a lot cuter. Of course, you can barely see what Leidy really looks like through the grime.

As he quickly put on his shoes, James made a note to one day throw Leidy into a river so he could see her true features. Arimus suddenly burst into the room, interrupting his thoughts. James jumped in surprise and stood at attention to his superior.

"Right on time, I see," Arimus said, examining the empty breakfast plate. "If you were still sleeping when I arrived, I was going to throw you into the swamp."

"The way I smell, that might have been a good thing."

"Indeed..." Arimus replied, raising an eyebrow. "Come along."

James followed nervously as he listened for signs of life coming from the west wing. Was what happened last night just a dream? On cue, the throbbing in his head started back up and reminded him it wasn't. Arimus opened the massive oak doors to the courtyard while he hummed a tune. James shivered, remembering he left his coat behind in his quarters.

"Arimus? Can I go get my coat? I left it on the bed."

"No you cannot. One thing you will learn here is that preparation is an obligation, not a privilege. If you are not ready for what's to come, you must face it as is."

"But I'm cold."

"Then the memory of your frostbitten bones will serve as a reminder for the future."

"Fine," James sulked as he and Arimus crossed their arms for entirely different reasons. James was already thinking of his warm bed back home. He wouldn't be up yet, but in several more hours, he, Jennings, and Korey would be heading over to the meadow for sparring practice. Or they would be seeing what Leidy was up to. It felt like years ago, but it had literally only been yesterday.

"Now, we will begin our first test," Arimus said, grabbing James' attention.

James sighed loudly in anticipation. This was it. This was where he was to test his mettle. Arimus began explaining the test as if his voice was on automatic. No doubt he had said these words countless times to new, doe-eyed students.

"The first test is of loyalty, James. As you know, a Kingdom divided cannot stand. Like a plague, one infected person can cause a ripple effect on others, creating an epidemic of the soul. No man lives their life without affecting countless others before and after him. And no matter what you believe, this is a fact. When we are born, we immediately inherit a family we did not choose, and a life we have no control over. However, as we grow, we make decisions that have a profound effect on everyone we meet. You are probably wondering what the point of this lecture is. The point is that a group, no matter how massive, is only as strong as its weakest member. If a group is in sync, all with one goal, and one purpose—that unit will be very powerful indeed. But the smallest dissent can cause a fissure that will weaken the group, and inevitably lead to their destruction."

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