Treasure planet rewinded

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AN~ i am going to start this off with a prolouge for a few years before this story takes  palce.Around the time jims dad leaves and a few years  in between.Thier points of veiw onthis chapter are pracitcally the same but kaites is 10 mintues earlier even though i put it secound.There is cussing in this.Everyone but kaite her mom and her dad belongs to disney.



I shot up out of bed and looked out the window.Dad was leaving i had to catch him befoer he leaves.I jumped out of bed and ran past my mom crying at the table and went right to the docks edge but i was to late.

"Jim they're leaving."My childhood freind Kaite shouted from where she hang off the docks.

"What are you doing down their?"

"I tried to jump on the boat but my dad threw me back off." She replied pulling herself up.

"I cant belive the just up and left us Kay they up and left us.Like we mean nothing to them."I uttered in disbelif.

Kaites POV

I popped out of bed to here my mom sobbing to my dad not to leave.He wasnt going to leave today.He cant.He promised ot help me and jim make our solar serfers.I finished getting dressed and he was already out their on the ship.They were waiting for Jims dad.I sprinted past him and jumped onto the ship.

"You cant just leave us all here so you can go on your adventures!"I screamed at my father some of the men looked at me shocked.Ive been told im ascary 10 year old.

"You need to leave.Now!"My dad commanded actually picking me up and throwing me off the side of the ship towards the dock.Jim was running down the dock to try to stop his father but he stumbled and lost speed.By the time he got thier the ship had left the dock.

"Jim they're leaving."I shouted from where i hung off the edge of the dock.

"What are you doing down their"He questioned.

"I tried to jump on the boat but my dad threw me back off."I replied as i pulled myself up.

"I cant belive they just up and left us Kay they up and left us.Like we mean nothing."He uttered and sat down.

"We can deal with this somehow.Jim"I replied.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 years later


Kaities POV

"Check out this new trick i learned!"I shouted down to jim as i spiraled towards the earth on my surfer.

"KAITIE SOPHIA ROBINSON YOU GET IN HERE RIGHT NOW!!"M ymother shouted from the door.

I feeling of terror crossed me.Shes a monster.Jim  knows it too.Shes hit me before when he was at my house and threatened to tell his mom he tried to hit me if he told anyone.

"I gotta go take care of my surfer will ay"I whisper to Jim and run into the house.

"What do you need Mother?'

"Dont give me that!You were supposed to stay away from that boy! Hes to much of a bad influnce!"She yelled and smaked me in the face.

"Hes the bad influnce!? He is?! The only bad influnce in our lives was that worthless father of mine leaving us and makign yo uinto the bitch you are today!"I screamed back.

"Im tired of you and im tired of this!"My mother screamed grabing the gun we had near the door for inturders.

"M-mom what are you going ot do??"I questioend

"What i should have done.'

Jims POV

_-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BOOM! I shot rang out from Kaities house and i heard he scream.I ran as fast as i could to see her standing their screaming at her dead mother on the floor.

"She killed herself jim.She said she was tired of me and everytihng and she killed herself."She muttered in shock.

"Come on im taking you to moms."I tell her taking her hand and walking to the Inn.

"Jimbo why are you so late and why is Kay covered in blood....!"my mom questioned then relized something was wrong and called the cops.

"Will you stop asking me the same thing over and over i told yo ushe said she was tired of me and of everything and shot herself!"Kaitie screamed at the police officer for the sevent time.

He finnally nodded and left.

"Hey we can deal with this somehow"I say to her.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------sorry for the death but it brings the story line to where i need it during what is to happen i nthe movie

Treasure planet rewindedWhere stories live. Discover now