Chapter 15

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A few hours have passed by since I visited Mason. My eyes were red and puffy from crying. I just couldn't help myself. I needed to cry for some odd reason.

I decided to go and take a walk around the lake like I usually did. It allowed me to think more clearly. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and fixed my outfit.

The wind hit my face as I walked outside. I put my hands in my jeans pockets as I began to walk around the lake. I smiled when I saw a mama duck swimming with her ducklings in the lake.

"Why are you so happy?" I turned around towards the voice. It was Nico, smiling at me.

"You know me, I'm a sucker for cute little animals." I smiled back at him.

He came closer and I could tell that he saw my swollen eyes. I looked away from him. "Were you crying Eli?" Nico put his hand on my cheek and turned my face back towards him.

"It's nothing, really. I'm fine." I smiled bitterly at him, trying to hide my lies.

"I know when something is wrong. Please, tell me what happened." He looked into my eyes. How could I deny those sweet, chocolate brown eyes?

I took his hand and led him to a bench. We sat down and a tear slipped down my face. I bit my lip to stop myself. "I went to Mason's room to help him with homework and he.. I mean we.. I mean.." I broke down into tears.

Nico looked furious. "What did he do?! Are you okay?!" He hugged me.

"It's not what you.. think. We were about to.. but Jaxon.. and Mason acted.. he shut the door on my face!" I sobbed in between my words and made it harder for Nico to understand what I was saying.

"So you and Mason were doing things and Jaxon came. Then Mason acted like nothing happened." Nico understood what happened. He looked down at me.

I looked up him and met his eyes. "We didn't do anything. I'm still.. innocent. He just.. saw me." I was hiccuping.

Nico shook his head disapprovingly. "I don't want you getting involved in things like that. Eli, you need to be more careful or else guys like him will do things like this.." He came closer to me.

I backed away from him, not knowing what he was trying to do. He kept inching closer to me until I was on the edge of falling off the bench. He wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me onto his lap.

"Nico? What are you doing, put me down!" I tried pushing myself off his lap but his grip was too tight on me.

Nico smirked and smashed his lips onto mine. At first his kiss was rough, but then he became gentle. I parted away from him.

"Please don't do this. I've already been teased enough for today." There was no way I would let my best friend tease me.

Nico only smiled when I told him to stop. "Eli, I'm not teasing. You should know that." He kissed me again.

He bit my bottom lip and sucked it. I let out a small moan. Nico traced my jawline with his lips.

"Hey, stop being a pervert Nico." We both turned towards the voice. It was Ethan, walking up to us.

I got off Nico's lap as fast as I could. My face flushed pink as Ethan got closer to us.

"I'm not being a pervert. You're the pervert since you're watching us." Nico laughed at Ethan.

Ethan kept a straight face. "I was walking around until I heard a moan. I turned around and saw you two making out."

"Fine. You caught us, thanks for ruining the moment. Unless you wanted to join us." Nico winked at Ethan.

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