The Children of the Death

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Midnight Madness

       Garfield Elementary fifth graders all knew the story about the Riley Wellingtons and they all knew that as the fourth graders were near Midnight Madness that it was now their job to tell the bloodcurdling story. You see Midnight Madness was when the fourth graders of Garfield were allowed to—if they read enough books—stay at the school tell midnight. It sounds like it would be painfully boreding but instead of learning like you normal do, you ran around school, watched movies, went to the local bowling alley and were fed chill and popcorn so everybody wanted no needed to go, seven years ago Riley Wellingtons was one of those people.

 Riley Wellingtons was undersized, scrawny and very gullible and was a boy that everyone picked on, even the teacher’s pet couldn’t resist tying Riley’s shoes around the phone line. Riley wanted friends. So Riley needed to go to Midnight Madness and befriend the most popular boy in school, Josh Taylors, then only then will he have friends and get the girl of his dreams, Emily Easterman and Josh Taylors’s girlfriend. Riley read every book he could get his hands on. By the deadline, Riley been on the list for over a month and was counting down the days. That day Riley was determined to show everyone that he to could be popular. After bowling for two hours, a movie, and eating Riley was still not popular, he was about to give up when James Underwood flooded the boys’ bathroom and Mrs. Cody and Mrs. Young had to clean up the bathroom and call James’s parents. “Hey Stupid!” called Josh. “You want to play a game?” Riley violently shake his head then ran to the big circle that was formed in the library where seconds ago they were playing board games. “It’s called Truth or Dare.” Josh informed Riley “Do you know how to play it or were your parents to retarded to teach you?” laughter filled the room. “Yeah, I know how to play. Only Idiots don’t know how to play.” Riley replied in hopes that it made him sound tough. “Well, Wellingtons it takes one to know one.” For the second time that night laughter boomed the silent school. “Truth or Dare?” Josh asked Riley.

 If Riley picked true then forever he would be remembered a coward but if he picked dare then he would be forced to do what ever horror able thing that Josh Taylor could think of. “Dare.” Josh thought for a little bit before saying. “I dare you to go in the cellar tell midnight.” Riley’s breath stopped. The cellar was the most terrifying place in Garfield; it was an old cellar that people used to keep the lunch food at. But Riley didn’t chick out. He went to the old cellar and as soon as he walked in Josh slammed the door shut and locked it with a chuckle. Riley pounded on the door and screamed for Mrs. Cody and Mrs. Young but no one opened the big, metal, door even as his watch turned 3:00. Josh never can back.

Days turned into Months, Months turned into years and in that time Riley lost his mind. He talked to himself, didn’t sleep and drew pictures of Emily Easterman in the blood of the lonely rats that would scamper by.

Riley was in the cellar three years before he made contact with another human. That human was Zoe Sykes. Zoe like Riley was dared to go down to the cellar but it was a lot bigger dare now because even one knew there was something down there. There were always muffled sounds made from Riley of course everyone didn’t know that at the time but in time they would. Zoe was brave but liked to show off so she marched into the cellar in boldly slammed the door shut with her beaded necklace bobbing up and down. After that no one knew what happened and to this day no one still knows but as Zoe’s friends tried to up the door the handle broke. What were they to do? If they told a teacher what happened they would be suspended from school and be grounded for life but if they didn’t tell Zoe would be stuck in there forever with that monster. They finally decided that they wouldn’t tell besides they didn’t even like Zoe that much. So they walked back to the classroom ignoring Zoe’s scream “HELP! THERE’S A CRAZY MAN CALLING ME EMILY!”

 People later found out that Emily Easterman looked a lot like Zoe Sykes.

I am not done with this yet but I'll finish soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2013 ⏰

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