Not Quite the Perfect Revenge - Bleach

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Title: Not Quite the Perfect Revenge

Summary: Ukitake was caught trying to sneak out of Division Captain Kenpachi! Will Zaraki finally get his revenge on Ukitake?

Pairings: None

Disclaimer: I own nothing of the Bleach series, especially not the ever pretty Juu-chan.

Warnings: Only a couple of swear words at the very end, from Kenpachi, of course.

AN:  This can be seen as a sequel to "A Sprinkle Of Fairy Dust" and "Candy Escape Plan", though it's not as funny as either of those two stories in my opinion. Still, this idea wouldn't leave me alone and it's been bugging me for quite some time. I had to do it, you see?

Enjoy reading!


Dropping down from the roof into a back alleyway behind the barracks of the Division he had no choice but to escape from, Ukitake took a moment to catch his breath, trying his best to quell the need to cough by taking deep and soothing breaths. He was slightly breathless from escaping through a fourth floor window.

Still, he felt somewhat pleased with himself.

Despite his sometimes quite noisy and highly inconvenient illness, he had managed to avoid most of the wandering Division Four squad members that often patrol the area, so he was almost free.

It was probably a little bit drastic and Ukitake had no doubt that Shunsui would laugh hysterically after he tells him, but he just had to do it. He had to break out of Division Four after spending the last three days under their care because of his illness flaring up just a little.

He wasn't even that ill, he didn't even cough up any blood. While it was nice that Retsu was concerned that his minor coughs could lead to something more hideous, he couldn't stand the thought of lying in that bed, in that stuffy white room for one more day. Besides, he was just taking up a bed, a bed that someone in more of need than he could need or use.

There was no doubt in his mind that he was going to get a bit of a lecture from Captain Unohana sometime in the near future, but if he can make it back to his beloved Ugendo, it'll be worth it.

Just a little bit further now and he...

He just ran into something hard...and tall...and rugged...and breathing...and familiar...

"Trying to sneak off, eh?"

Ukitake bit his lip and his body gave a light tremble as he stumbled backwards rather awkwardly, a shadow falling over him like a cloud of impending doom. He knew this shadow. While he, himself, was quite tall, this man, however, was far larger in stature that he could ever be – seven foot of hardened muscle, shoulders forbiddingly broad even underneath all those white bandages that covered his torso, his strong legs set firmly apart.

Captain Zaraki Kenpachi.

All ready for action.

"Ah, no," Ukitake replied as he tried to give a small, carefree smile. "I was simply taking a walk to get some fresh air."

Kenpachi's smirk, however, just widened. "Right."

Ukitake felt his shoulders droop a little, almost as if in defeat. He knew, despite being a captain far longer than Kenpachi had and despite knowing that he could possibly get away by Shunpo, he knew he couldn't escape in his current condition. And he most certainly wasn't going to run pass him, with his illness making a rather inconvenient and minor comeback, he wasn't stupid enough to put more strain on his already fragile body. And he didn't have any candy on him, so he couldn't call for Yachiru's unintentional help like last time.

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