Chapter 3

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   However I got dragged into this I was going to get out. At break, all the children go outside to play as P.E. I found myself running around the school, being chased by Mion. When I was sure I lost her, I sighed of relief and slid my back down the wall. How the hell did these people survive this heat? It was unbearable. 

I stopped breathing when I heard footsteps. I was sure that Mion had found me, but I didn't want to give away my hiding spot if it was her. Finally, they popped their head from the corner, identifying it being Rika. 

" Here you are," she said happily. " I thought you left the game." 

" No, I was running away from Mion." I wiped the sweat off my forehead as proof. That girl could be in running for all we know. 

" Mion is quite fast," she admitted. " But I don't think she knows what tricks are up our sleeves. You saw how Satoko trapped Keiichi earlier?"

I laughed, remembering what happened. Satoko had been one of the first ones to become a tagger. When Keiichi started to run away, he tripped over a wire making him fall in mud. That was when Satoko took the chance to tag him. " He was stupid," I said while wiping my tears. " I never thought a little girl could outsmart him like that." 

" She is smart," Rika acknowledged. " Do you think I am smart too?" 

" Well of course. You might not be smart in math, but you must have plans when winning these games." 

I stood up and used my shirt to wipe the remaining sweat off my body. " I should get going before Mion and the others find me. The last person she tagged was Rena and Kouta. I'm sure they would be around here somewhere." 

" They're not the only people she tagged either," Rika muttered. As she stepped closer to me, I stepped back. There was a small smirk appearing on her face. Had she been tagged as well?

"'re one of them aren't you?" 

She slowly nodded and ran towards me. I shrieked and ran the other way. She might have been smart, but there was no way she could run as fast as me. Quickly, I ran around the corner, making her continue running straight. This game was like a choice for life or death. 

I ran to the courtyard, finding all the other children. Perhaps I could have been easy  for me to blend in, but with my blue hair I would stand out easily. Slowly, I walked around the children, trying to find the others. 

" Momoka!" 

I turned to find Reika running towards me. When she got close, I stepped back to make sure that she wasn't one of them. She almost looked hurt when I did. " I'm sorry, I thought you were one of them." 

She shook her head. " No, but everyone else is tagged. We're the only ones left."

" Crap, I don't even know where they are." 

" I have a finding place where we can go until the timer rings." She grabbed my hand and dragged me over to a garden shed. It looked like it would collapse any moment because of the worn out walls. Reika slowly closed the door and turned to me with a smile on her face. " We should be safe here. The others wouldn't think about finding this shed." 

" It's in the middle of the courtyard." 

" It's worn out," Reika explained. " No one really comes in here anymore. They use the tools sometimes." 

" I see." 

I was about to sit down until I heard Mion speaking outside. I flinched and tried to look for a way out of here before they enter the shed. Though, there wasn't an escape route anywhere. As if she was waiting for them, Reika opened the door and the others came into the shed. 

" We've been looking for you," Shion said creepily. " We need one more zombie for this group." 

" What do you mean one more? Isn't Reika free as well?" 

They ignored my question and walked towards me with their arms out. I tried to back up, but I realize that there were tools behind me. Ones that could very well cut me. Finally, I gave up and let them turn me into one of them. 

It was like a hell house.


I exited the shed first, my clothes leaned and my hair messed up. The others were behind me and laughed. " This was not funny," I said through clenched teeth. " You people are like demons when you play this game." 

" To be fair it was quite exciting," Shion said. " Perhaps we can play another time." 

Mion agreed with her sister. " Another time is good. Momoka you were fast when I tried to get you. I thought you joined a running club when you were younger." 

I deadpanned. " I run when my life is threatened." I pointed to Reika and Rika. " It's not fair you got two young girls to trick me. I knew Rika was up to something, but to have Reika do it is just cruel." 

" Reika is smart," Kouta agreed. " We had no idea what she was doing to get you to join us." 

" I always thought she had a brain as the size of a peanut," Satoko joked. " She was never smart to begin with." 

Reika looked like she was about to jump Satoko, for Kouta held her back before anything could be done. Keiichi chuckled. " Since no one was left, how about we have the last one be part of the punishment game."

" What punishment game?" I asked. 

" To be fair this is Momoka's first time," Rena explained to him. " That's no fun if she has to do it." 

" Do what?" I asked again. 

" No can do Rena, she has to pay the piece of the punishment if she plans on becoming part of this club," Mion said. 

" What the hell is going on?!" 

" We're deciding if you should be part of the punishment that would be taking place. Kouta was also the first one to get tagged as well, so he receives a punishment too." 

" I feel like you're bullying me," Kouta muttered. 

Mion grinned and put her hand on his shoulder. " You knew this since you first became part of  the club Kouta. I think Keiichi is glad that he's not part of this this time around." 

" I'm overjoyed," he said. 

I looked at all of them, awaiting what my punishment would be. They all had dangerous minds I was sure someone would make me cry. Mion then turned to me and Kouta. " Alright then, Kouta you would wear a girl's shirt until the end of the week. And Momoka you would be a maid to the club for the week as well." 

" So I'm a servant," I said, getting to the point. " Great, this is how I wanted to spend my week." 

" Hold on," Shion said. " You would be wearing a maid's outfit as well." 

" It's so cute," Rena gussied. 

I sighed out of frustration. These people were beyond cruel in my opinion.

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