Girl Meets World

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Riley's POV:

Today is a beautiful day in New York, so what could possibly go wrong?

"Hey, Riley." Lucas said.

Oh, that's what could go wrong.

"Hey, Lucas, isn't it great that we can just be brother and sister and not worry about anything?" I asked, trying not to ramble.

"Yeah, I guess, but Riley...." Lucas began but trailed off as Maya came running up behind him and jumping onto his back.

"Guess who, Huckleberry!" Covering Lucas' eyes with her hands, Maya asked enthusiastically.

"Let me guess, it's Shortstack." Lucas said like this game couldn't possibly be getting old.

"How many times do I have to tell you to not call me that?" Maya rolled her eyes up towards the ceiling. She hopped back down off of his back and stood next to him with an annoyed look on her face.

Taking notice of the look Maya was currently sporting, Lucas gave her a small smile and nudged her lightly with his arm. "You look even cuter when you're annoyed with me."

"Are you saying that I'm not as cute any other day of the week?" Maya raised an eyebrow at him. This was a test that she was giving him, and she wouldn't take anything he says personally.

"Be careful, Lucas. It's a trap." Farkle walked up to us and stood by my side.

"Butt out, Minkus." Maya narrowed her eyes at him and then looked back at Lucas. "Answer the question, Friar."

"Plea the fifth. Plea the fifth." Farkle begged him.

Lucas opened his mouth to say something, but the bell rang. He quickly shut his mouth and hurried to go sit in his seat behind Maya.

"I don't like you." Maya told Farkle and went over to her desk in front of Lucas. She slid smoothly into her seat and turned her body to face Lucas.

"Poor boy didn't even stand a chance." Letting out a sigh, I shook my head in sorrow.

"Riley, Farkle, please take your seats." Walking into the classroom with his briefcase, my father instructed us.

Farkle and I did as we were told and waited for class to begin. At this point in my student career, I'm not even sure what my father does is even close to the subject he's supposed to be teaching. We get it, dad, history has an unfortunate habit of repeating itself.

Maya's POV:

Yo, I'll tell you what I want what I really, really want. So tell me what you want what you really, really want. I wanna get food with my friends and not have to come to school every single week.

"Maya, are you listening?" Mr. Matthews asked.

"The answer is," I scanned the room frantically for a friendly face. Not that I know the majority of my peers, but it couldn't hurt to get to know someone by using them. Right? "Farkle, a little help here." Looking straight ahead at Mr Matthews, I murmured lowly from the side of my mouth.

"We got the Statue of Liberty from France." Farkle said with a happy look on his face.

"Yeah, we got the Statue of Liberty from France. I was just making sure Farkle knew the answer." I said, trying to find more of an excuse. I hate when he asks me those types of questions when he knows I'm not paying any attention.

Farkle's POV:

So much for making Maya do the extra work to answer the question. In my defense, I had gotten this nasty itch that was slowly starting to kill me if I didn't help answer the question for her.

"Farkle, please don't tell Maya the answer. I want her to actually learn something." Mr. Matthews said.

"I know, sir, and I don't want her to fail this class." I said. Mr. Matthews didn't say anything else to me and continued to go off topic about how the French did quite a few things for America only to ask how it relates back to our lives. I couldn't tell you how but living in New York City doesn't count.

Lucas' POV:

Isn't it funny how no one actually talks to me a whole lot? I mean yeah Maya jumps on my back and covers my eyes to play guess who, but that's Maya. Whenever I talk to Riley, it seems to be somehow awkward. Anyway, I'm still counting down the seconds until school's out for the weekend.

"What part of Lucas Land are we exploring today?" Leaning back against her seat and placing her elbow back on my desk, Maya whispered.

"How would you know if I'm zoning out or not?" Furrowing my eyebrows together in confusion, I whispered back.

"Farkle gave Riley a note to hand to me. What more could you need?" She asked.

I glanced over at Farkle whom had his attention up on the board. He was a pretty good actor, considering he doesn't look fazed by the fact Maya just ratted him out to me.

"Want to meet up at Topanga's later?" I asked.

She turned her face subtly to the side and looked at me from the corner of her eye. "What do I get out of it?"

"A cheap date?" I wasn't good at the whole dating game. For the longest time, I couldn't even get out of a love triangle.

"Sorry, I'm busy after school." She turned her attention towards the chalk board.

"There's free food involved." I lowered my voice to where only she could hear.

Maya slowly turned her body to face me and a smile was plastered on her face. "You've got yourself a deal." She nodded in agreement. Then, her smile dropped to a more serious look. "Break your promise, and I'll break your heart ten times harder than you broke Riley's heart."

"You broke her heart too." I pointed out.

"I wasn't the one that started an unnecessary triangle to begin with." The bell rang dismissing us, and Maya got up in an instant.

She grabbed Riley's upper arm and dragged her towards the door. Farkle looked at me with questioning eyes, but I just shook my head and walked out through the back door of the room.

A/N: What is up, you guys!? I obviously have some more chapters to go reread and edit the parts that need to be edited. Please let me know how you like this new version coming out compared to the old one. I am on the younger spectrum of Wattpad and this was the second story I ever released. I'm pretty busy these days, but I'll do my best to edit a chapter or two per day and release the new versions.

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