Chapter 12: The Past (part 2)

Start from the beginning

I suddebly felt scared "Don't tell me there are bears here too?!"

I somehow saw disbelief in the eyes of the dragon and she answered again "Well yes, anything else?"

"Are there tigers here too?! Or maybe Lions!? Or... wait... Don't tell me there's a dinosaur here!" I crawled up into a ball. If there are those animals here then I'll never come back here again!

"Of course there are no Dinosaurs here, there are some tigers but no Lions." I was able to sigh in relief, and look into the dragon's eyes. "Aren't you afraid of me?" I got confused at her question.

"Why would I be afraid of you?" I asked "You just saved my life! I mean, sure, you look ferocious, but I know you won't hurt me... because you just protected me." I smiled at her.

It was a moment of silence but I was surprised when she laid her head next to mine. I didn't know why she did that, but after speaking, I found out.

"Little child. I'm not protecting you, I'm just not eating you because I hate human blood. Don't get the wrong Idea. And another thing... I don't want to see a human die because she wasn't given a chance to fight, so I'll guard you for now. But I'm going back as soon as you're better"

"Awww.... That's one sweet Dragon!" Happy reacted and everyone 'shhhh'd him again.

"You always interupt the story! Damn blue cat" Gray scratched the back of his head in irritation.

"I swear, do that one more time and I'll punish you" Erza threatened because she was really listening to me.

I just forced a smile and continued.

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