The entire guild gushed whilst many of the more perverted male members of Fairy Tail found blood escaping their noses due to her cuteness, including Makarov.

"Don't you old farts think dirty thoughts about my sister!" Kotori yelled.

What about now, Erza? I'm protecting you.

Protecting? Are you an idiot? This is Fairy Tail. I know what they're thinking and it just amuses me.

Amuses you?! They're thinking nasty things and you're the main topic!

Yeah, but they don't wanna die so they won't try anything. Even Guildarts wouldn't do that.

But he's stronger than you.

Nothing is stronger than the wrath of an enraged female, my dear sister.


"Ahhh! W-why-what-when-who-where am I?" Erza...managed to say?

"Erza. I said, Jellal is coming here next week for the inter-guild ball that Fairy Tail is holding." Mira answered her.

She's one isn't she? Kotori

No. Erza

Erza. There's no point in lying. Mavis

9 down. 6 to go. Kotori

"Why is Jellal coming? Isn't he still on the run?" Erza

"Who's Jellal?" Kotori

"Erza's boyfriend~" Mira sang

"*sigh* we both know that's never gonna happen." Erza

"I wouldn't be so sure. Unlike everyone else I saw your little moment on the beach." Mavis

"What?! They had a moment and I missed it it?!" Mira

"Yeah! They nearly kis-mphg." Mavis

"Shut your mouth or you're dead." Erza hissed.

Mavis removed Erza's hand from her mouth. "I thought we already discussed this?"

"I got this." Kotori then stood up making everyone in the guild watch her. Their eyes glued on her every movement. She walked behind Erza and posed. "SPIRIT! BIND!"

There was a bright flash of red as a red ribbon that hissed, making it also seem like a snake, found its way through a magic circle and towards Erza's wrists. With her quick instincts,  Titania jumped doing a back flip on top of the bar but the ribbon chased her. She summoned a sword to shred it to pieces but it only phased through.

"What the hell is this Kotori?!"

"It's something I picked up a while back. Weapons pass right through and physical attacks won't work either. The moment it makes contact with skin it binds."


"Why? Simple. I want to hear the rest of the story. You always used to write to me about a blueberry but you'd never tell me his name. I'm guessing it's this Jellal guy?" At the point she finished the sentence the ribbon made contact with Erza's hands, binding her wrist then slithering it's way up her body and covering her mouth. She struggled to release herself but it was no use. "Continue now First Master."

"Right...well anyway: Erza slaps Jellal after he says he deserves to die then they both end up tumbling down the hill. Golden dust filled the air from the nearby, disturbed magic plants, lighting up the night sky. The stars twinkled as Jellal lay on top of Erza. Their eyes reflected in each others as they stared lovingly at the other. They slowly began to sit up as Erza was pulled closer by Jellal. Their lips inches from touching." Everyone was at the edge of their seats captivated by the tension that filled the hall.

"Then..." Everyone chorused together, listening closely.

"Then he pulled away and said he had a fiancée."

There was a long moment of silence as everyone registered the idocy of Jellal. They were the sceond most likely couple, since Bisca and Alzack, and Natsu and Lucy were obvious. They could be dating happily if he wasn't so stupid.

"Do you know what happened next?" Kotori asked suddenly intrigued once again trying to imagine what would've happened after.

"Not quite because I stopped listening when he said that but I remember after they both separated that Happy and Erza were on the beach. Happy drew a broken heart in the sand sending him on a flight path to the moon. Oh. Jellal was being teased by Ultear and Meredy for being a wimp. I guess something good came out of it all..."

Can you untie me now?

Whoops. Sorry Erz.


"Wait! Kotori, don't!" But Mira was too late. Titania had been freed.

The next words spoken shook everyone down to their very cores, as every fibre of their beings was delicately torn asunder as her words permeated through the now deadly quiet hall.

"You're all dead."


So this chapter is late but it isn't my fault because I've been really sick and now I have an ear infection which is painfully sore. Has anyone else ever had one?

Why did I even write this note before? Man 2016 was a bad year for me (I say in 2020 with PRESIDENT Trump, WWIII, Corona Virus, Wildfires and life in mind).

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Next update will most likely be Sunday and I'll start to focus more on Kotori and her side of the story.

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