Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 

 After around 10 minutes of silence, Kevin was busy with the device, Seth had his head slumped and his eyes closed, and looked as if he was asleep, a sudden thought occurred to me.

I sat bolt upright and blurted out, "Oh my God! I just realized something!"

Seth opened one eye but didn't say anything.

I continued, "Do you realize that we are very likely to die on this mission, and never make it back home?"

At this, he opened his eyes, "You're just now getting this?"

"Well, yes."

Seth just shook his head incredulously, "Soon you'll realize that we're on another planet! If that's all-"

"I mean there are so many things that we're gonna miss!" I said, still in shock.

"Like what?" Seth asked, as if it was necessary but he had no interest whatsoever. His eyes were closed again.

"Like 'The City of Heavenly Fire'! And 'The House of Hades' and seeing the 'Mockingjay' movies and all those other books I won't get to read!" I cried, startling him enough that he opened his eyes again, and sat up straight.

"That's what you're afraid of missing?" he asked, disbelief plain in his voice.

"Of course! What else is there? Oh, and the new season of Sherlock and.." I trailed off, realizing that he wasn't listening at all, "Never mind. You wouldn't understand."

"You're right. So don't bother explaining."

I narrowed my eyes at him, a thousand retorts going through my head, but his eyes were closed, and I could tell that nothing I said would affect him whatsoever. He looked like the very picture of calm, as if he hadn't a care in the world. It drove me mad. 

Seth wasn't making any attempts at conversation, but I was incapable of keeping my mouth shut. The alternative was talking to Kevin, but for some reason it was much easier to spill your heart out to a complete stranger, than say something to someone who knew you.

I directed my words at Seth, speaking thougtfully, "Hey, I've been thinking..."

Seth gave a rather theatrical sigh and looked at me with some exasperation, "Yes, I can see why that would be something worth announcing."

I decided to ignore this and be the better person. Okay, the truth was that I couldn't think of anything to say in return.

Seth went on, "Don't tell me this is where your string of thought ends. I thought you were going to continue."

"I was, I am. You interrupted me. My point is, I've had a broken ankle, before."

"Enchanting. I have, too. Please, do go on," he said.

I wanted to hit him.

"I would, if you would do me a favor and stop talking."

He made a sweeping movement with his hand, gesturing for me to go on.

I took a deep breath and continued, "If you have, then you know that it isn't as bad as you seem to be expressing. It hurts, a lot, but the way you looked when Kevin and I found you, not that much."

The humor in his expression was replaced by seriousness, "I know. That's what I was wondering myself. And I then I remembered that Dr. Hanan gave me an injection, but he wouldn't tell me what it was of. He just said that it would help with the pain. But it clearly hasn't. Do you think that, maybe...?"

My eyes widened, "He did? Why didn't you tell me that you suspected this? If he's working for Zephigon, or something, that would explain why he'd want to, for lack of a better word, disable one of us. But Boroda and Crobis seemed to trust him. Going back to my original question, why didn't you say something?"

Seth shrugged, and, for the first time, there was a little vulnerability in his deep blue eyes. He raked a hand through his hair, and said, "What good would it do? It still doesn't make any difference."

I groped around in my head for something to say, but nothing came to mind. 

"Do you think it'll pass?" I asked.

He looked at me, and said with a rough undercurrent to his voice that I didn't quite understand, "It has to."

Wow. It's been nearly 5 months since I last updated. I was facing this huge writer's block, but I think I'm starting to get over it. This may be one of the shortest chapters I've ever written, but at least it's better than nothing. I'm just so relieved that I'm enjoying writing this story again.

Thank you for reading. Vote, comment, and share if you enjoyed reading it, which I really hope you did. The story's really rough, I know, but I'm working on it. Constructive criticism would really be appreciated.

Thanks :)

 On a side note, I don't really like what Wattpad has done with the fonts and all. Do you?

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