Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
I've been waiting for so long to get to write this one! 

"So, who's first?' Boroda asked, scanning the five of us. We were standing in a horizontal line in front of him, rather like soldiers at attention. From the left- Seth, Cassidy, Kevin, me and Aaron.

"How about we go in order of their age?' Crobis suggested.

I exhaled in relief. Either way, I wouldn't be first.

"Eldest first."

I felt Aaron tense next to me. 

"Hmm," Boroda said, "Who's older? The male or the female?"

"The girl is. Only by 2 days, though," Crobis answered.

"Very well," Boroda said, addressing Cassidy, "Step forward."

Nervously, and with her hands behind her back, Cassidy stepped forward. Boroda closed his eyes. For some reason, it felt as if he was looking into her soul. I'm not quite sure he wasn't, what with their 'breath-taking' technology. I'm sure Cassidy felt the same way, because she straightened her shoulders, as if she was bracing herself for the worst. I had no idea what he was going to tell us 'about ourselves' and I wished that it didn't have to be in front of so many people. Maybe not so many in number, but if I was going to 'save the world' with them, I wouldn't want them to know potentially embarassing information about me.

"Let me take you through the process," Crobis said. "Boroda will tell each of you your individual weaknesses and strengths. Every single human on your planet has his own flaws and strengths, but it is very important for you to understand that, here, both of these things have immensely magnified power on this planet. On Earth, they are not nearly as important. Some extraordinary people are able to recognize their strengths and use them to their advantage, while others succumb to their weaknesses. I warn you- if you do not successfully overcome your weaknesses, Zephigon will surely use them to destroy you. Fortunately, though, these, with a little effort, can be easily overcome. Now let's begin."

Crobis really sounded wise then.

"So, girl," Boroda began, "With which would you like to start- your strengths or weaknesses?"

Cassidy took a deep breath, "My weaknesses."

Boroda nodded, "Brave choice. Let's see. I can see things in your past. Painful things."

Cassidy paled slightly. Boroda continued, unaware, "Our privacy policy on G'Zox prevents me from seeing exactly what has caused you this pain, but it is clear to me that you have not let it in. Let me elaborate. You have, as of now, not confronted or come to terms with the reason for your unhappiness. My advice to you is, let in the sorrow and learn to deal with it. Don't go on pretending as if nothing has happened, for Zephigon is definitely going to manipulate it to his advantage. I warn you, it won't take him long to figure out your shortcomings, so you will have to overcome them faster."

Cassidy merely nodded. I couldn't see her expression from where I was standing, but I could tell from the way she held herself, that she felt...stronger. Knowing is always better than not knowing.

Crobis said, "Now her strengths, Boroda."

"Ah, yes," Boroda said,"I can tell that this girl's strengths are going to be rather useful for the rest of you. Perhaps personally."

Was it just me, or did Boroda just look at me? 

"You, Cassidy Green, are a very understanding person. You can always tell what is bothering a person, and even though that might not seem very important, it will be very significant when you come face to face with Zephigon. You do not need to speak at all or ask any questions, you just know when someone has a problem, and that is a very important asset. Treasure it."

Kate AndrewsWhere stories live. Discover now