Dream Within a Dream

Start from the beginning

                     “Leave her alone.” I growled, fashioning my hands like claws at my sides. They stared for a moment longer, exchanged glances, then laughed a cold laugh.

                     “Who the hell are you?” A nameless brunette with a slim figure asked in a tone that obviously said she didn’t really care who I was.

                     “Do you REALLY care?”

                     “You misunderstand. What she meant is, who the hell do you think you are?” A nameless blonde sneered at me. I cast a glare that had death written all over it and spat,

                     “I’m someone you don’t want to screw with. Now leave her the hell alone, bitch.” The red hot fury was welling up inside of me fast and was already threatening to overflow. They looked at each other, shocked that someone had spoken to them in such a fashion. Another blonde from the group took a step toward me with a very angry look upon her face.

                     “Look, I don’t know who you are or where the fuck you come from, but you better get your little white ass out of here before we kick it out.” I glared harder at the blonde that spoke. I knew a fight was going to come, there was no avoiding it, but how could I fight, what could I do? They began moving away from the crying girl, which was good since that was my original intent, who hadn’t even looked up since I’d gotten there, and they began sauntering towards me. They reminded me so much of my bullies, of what they did to me, everything came rushing back at once in a painful wave of every emotion you could think of, knocking me with so much force I wanted to fall over.

                     The girl’s sobbing was quieting to just smaller and smaller cries, then tears, but the other girls were coming at me with sneering and mocking smiles on their faces. I didn’t know what to do, my emotions were so controlling at the moment and I wasn’t used to ever feeling so much so strongly at once. I balled my hands into fists at my sides, but a strange metallic clinking caught my attention.

                     I glanced down and noticed that the metallic clinking was emitting from the blades on my right hand. What?? I raised my hand in front of my face- yes, I had on Freddy’s glove somehow. How the heck did I get this? WHEN did I get this?? I flexed my fingers in front of my face, watching with wide and amazed eyes as the blades clicked together, the metallic exoskeleton of the glove working symbiotically to make this wonderful creation come straight from the depths of Freddy’s boiler room itself. I looked past Hell’s creation for a moment to analyze the girl’s faces. Their mouths were open, eyes wide as moons, and showed every sign of fear. A wide, toothy grin crossed my face without my meaning to. Strange…..I didn’t usually smile at other’s fear….yet it was somehow pleasureable.

                     I flexed the blades in their direction and they flinched back slightly, but still stood their ground. My smile lengthened- who has the upper hand now, bitch? I opened my gloved hand and flexed it into a claw, raising it over my head, getting ready to slash. My eyes narrowed.

                     “Let’s play, bitches.” I jeered at them, taking a wide step forward, and they spooked just as I had intended. Two of them ran off, one of them squeaking in fear. I wonder if this is how Freddy felt just before he made a kill? I was a little bit frustrated that three of them still stood their ground, but they did look very afraid. They don’t exactly look much like the fighting type. I noticed a redheaded girl with long hair and, of course, a slim figure take a hesitant step forward.

                     I looked sideways at her and slowly straightened out of the crouch I had put myself in. I studied her with curiosity. What was she doing? Her hand quickly flitted to her back pocket and she pulled out something that glinted in the sun with a dangerous edge to it. She pushed a button and a long blade popped out from the metallic container. A push-button switchblade? I thought those were made illegal? My eyes widened slightly and I hesitated- she noticed and side smiled at me.

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